Independent C Project #7 -- SCOGGERC - ReadME ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _______________________________________ ..:: Warning ::.. This program is only for the TI-84 Plus CE. There is another version in the Cemetech archive that will work on the CSE. This will not work on any monochrome calculator. _______________________________________ ..:: About ::.. You are a frog, jumping from lilypad to lilypad. Your goal is to jump on lilypads until you sink them all besides the one you currently are on. You can jump any number of squares in any direction except behind yourself so long as where you're jumping has someplace you can land. _______________________________________ ..:: Installing and Running ::.. Use your favorite computer to calculator link software (TiLP, TIConnect, etc) to send SCOGGERC.8xp to your calculator. To run without a shell, follow these steps: 1. Turn on the calculator and make sure you're on the home screen. 2. Then push the following keys in order: [CLEAR] [2nd] [0] [DOWN] [DOWN] [DOWN] [DOWN] [DOWN] [DOWN] [ENTER] 3. Push [PRGM] then move the cursor down until SCOGGERC is selected. When you have done that, push [ENTER] 4. Your homescreen should look something like: Asm(prgmSCOGGERC) Then push [ENTER] to start the game. _______________________________________ ..:: Controls ::.. In the main menu, Up/Down changes the selection cursor. In the level select menu, Left/Right changes what level you want to start on. During gameplay, arrow keys are used to move the frog. _______________________________________ ..:: Troubleshooting ::.. 1q. When I run the game, the calculator gives me ERROR:ARCHIVED 1a. Follow the grey text prompt to unachive the variable. 2q. When I run the game, the calculator is complaining about needing this "Libload" or something. 2a. You need the libload library. Look in the LIBS folder and send all .8xv files contained in it to your calculator. 3q. When I run the game, the calculator is complaining about library version or something like that. 3a. You need the libload library. Look in the LIBS folder and send all .8xv files contained in it to your calculator. _______________________________________ ..:: License ::.. I attribute where possible. I use the BSD license for my code. See LICENSE for more details. _______________________________________ ..:: Version History ::.. 0.1 - First release. There's still some visual glitches.