########################################################################## ___ _ _ ___ _ _ / _ \___ _ __| |_ __ _| | / _ \_ __ ___| |_ _ __| | ___ / /_)/ _ \| '__| __/ _ | | / /_)/ '__/ _ \ | | | |/ _ |/ _ \ / ___/ (_) | | | || (_| | | / ___/| | | __/ | |_| | (_| | __/ \/ \___/|_| \__\__,_|_| \/ |_| \___|_|\____|\____|\___| ########################################################################## Alex 'Builderboy' Marcolina Builderboy2005@yahoo.com Omnimaga.org Contents: I ----- Introduction II ---- Installation III --- Gameplay IV ---- Editor V ---- Bugs VI ---- Credits ############### I: Introduction ############### Welcome to Aperture Laboratories! Long before GLaDOS ever ran the facility, step into the shoes of a test subject and test the Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device (ASHPD) for yourself! Test your way through 38 devious test chambers using Portals, in addition to many other intriguing gameplay elements such as plasma balls and electric fields. ############### II: Installation ############### Send both Portal.8Xk AND PortalPK.8Xv to your calculator. PortalPK should be put into archive, NOT ram. ############### III: Gameplay ############### The gameplay in Portal Prelude consists of manipulating portals using your ASHPD and using these portals to navigate the test chamber. The controls for your ASHPD are simple. Use the number pad to shoot a portal, where the number that is pressed represents a direction to shoot relative to the 5 key. For example pressing 9 would shoot a portal diagonally up and to the right. Whenever you shoot a portal, there will always be a slow portal and a fast portal. You can tell the difference by looking at the animations of the portals. Whenever a portal is shot, the fast portal slows down, while the slow portal is replaced with the new one. You can also always press the [5] Key to swap the slow and fast portal. In addition to Portals, there are several other elements that you will encounter in the test chambers. They are: Buttons: These buttons open doors when they are pressed down by the player or by a Cube resting on it. Cubes: Cubes can be picked up by the player and placed on buttons. When a cube comes in contact with a fizzler it will disintegrate and respawn. Fizzler: A fizzler is a field through which you cannot shoot Portals. You can move through them without harm, but doing so will reset your portals. Electric Electric fields will kill you on contact, but you Field: can shoot portals through them without consequence. Cubes can also move through electric fields. Spikes: Spikes are much like electric fields, they kill you on contact. Glass: You can shoot portals through glass, but neither you nor cubes can pass through it. Plasma A plasma ball is periodically emitted from a plasma Balls: emitter. When a plasma ball is redirected into it's receptacle, it will cause a door to open. Any contact with the plasma ball will cause death. Note that both cubes and plasma balls can both travel through portals! ############### IV: Editor ############### Portal Prelude comes with an editor that allows you to design and build your very own level packs! The level editor is run from the homescreen via the Asm() command. Once loaded, it will prompt you to either create a new levelpack or load a previous one. NOTE that in order to edit an existing levelpack it must be in RAM, but you do not need to have a Levelpack in RAM in order to play it. Once you have either created a new pack or loaded an existing one, you will be presented with a screen that lists the current levels your pack contains. You will also be able to see a small thumbnail of what the level looks like on the right. In this menu you have several options: Arrow Keys Move cursor to select level 2nd Select level to edit Mode Add a new level to the end of the pack Del Delete the currently selected level (no warning!) Alpha Grabs the currently selected level and allows it to be moved around the pack Clear Exits the editor and saves your pack Xton Rename your levelpack When you select a level to edit, you will be able to see exactly what your level will look like ingame. You have several options here that allow you to edit the level: Arrow Keys Move Cursor Alpha Save level and exit to level select screen 0 Clear tile 1 Portal-supporting tile 2 Non-Portal-supporting tile 3 Glass 4 Plasma-Receptacle 5 Plasma-Emitter 6 Fizzler 7 Spikes 8 Electric Field 9 Button . Cube Spawner 2nd Select plasma emitter or button Whenever you place or select a button or an emitter, it will prompt you to place the door that object is connected to. Whenever you place your cursor over that element, the connection will also be visualized. ############### V: Bugs ############### The Portal System is quite a complex one, and although the game has been vigorously bug tested, there is a possibility some bugs might have slipped past. If you find any, be sure to send me an email at Builderboy2005@yahoo.com ############### VI: Credits ############### Kevin 'leafy' Chen For writing most of the dialogue and helping with both level design and beta testing through the entire development process Zachary 'Runer' Wassall For insane optimizations on the engine to get it to both be small and run fast. Additionally for providing constant general Axe help and for helping in the development of the Axe version under which this game is compiled. He also helped to make sure my code was unreadable to any human. Lincoln Bergeson For helping my regain interest in this game after I had abandoned it. This game has been in the works for around 3 years, and might have never been finished if it wasn't for Lincoln Kevin ‘Quigibo’ Horowitz For writing such an awesome compiler for the calc. This game would definitely not have been possible without his awesome work. An interesting note is that Portal Prelude was started on the same version of Axe that introduced sprite support! Valve For making such an awesome game, with such an awesome concept! Omnimaga.org For always being supportive and interested, you guys helped Portal Prelude grow as well!