Included in this release are the following files (and descriptions): esd.cap.89p Vector drawing module: Capacitor esd.capvert.89p Vector drawing module: Capacitor (vertical) esd.current.89p Vector drawing module: Current source esd.currvert.89p Vector drawing module: Current source (vertical) esd.diode.89p Vector drawing module: Diode esd.ground.89p Vector drawing module: Ground esd.lamp.89p Vector drawing module: Lamp esd.led.89p Vector drawing module: L.E.D. esd.pot.89p Vector drawing module: Potentiometer esd.resistor.89p Vector drawing module: Resistor esd.resivert.89p Vector drawing module: Resistor (vertical) esd.swich.89p Vector drawing module: Switch * esd.volt.89p Vector drawing module: Voltage source esd.voltvert.89p Vector drawing module: Voltage source (vertical) esd.draw.89p Main program, run to start drawing scematics. 15 Files with a combined total size of 3899 Bytes. (Considering there where no typo's adding them all up) * Switch is an existant function and thus cannot be used as a program name, in case of smartasses pointing out the misspelled name. === To convert any of the vector drawings between vertical and horizontal (rotate 90 degrees clockwise): Negate and switch all X, Y offsets. Example: Line X+5,Y+3,X-4,Y+2 Becomes Line X-3,Y-5,X-2,Y+4 As with everything else: I'm more than happy to make any changes (and additions) for you. Just don't hestitate to ask.