Program(s) created and owned by Peter Buijs. No external code or examples where used. In short: UPLOAD ALL FILES and RUN "ESD\DRAW()" (Without quotes) Simple documentation is included in the program and will show on start. This program works with the graph screen and is completely vectorized. This means that it uses X, Y coördinates and everything it draws can be scaled simply by setting the X and Y axis' ranges. SET YOUR WINDOW TO X:0-158, Y:0-76 TO MAP COÖRDINATES AND PIXELS 1:1 AND OPTIMAL RESULT!!! Other setting can be desired though. This program mainly draws a line similar to what the built in pencil function does. Pressing [ENTER] brings up a menu structure to choose an electrical component to draw from your X,Y position. Most are horizontal but I ported some to vertical so that networks can get more eye-friendly. The system is modular since every drawing of a component is actually a seperate program called as a function. Since it is all very simple you can easily edit the main program (Draw) to your liking and change the appearance of the components. More components can be added to the database and included in the program if needed. PLEASE do not hestitate to request more components, features, changes and report bugs. I'm more than happy to create more content to make this program more usefull tou you. CONTROLLS: Run the program esd\draw() Draw wire (pencil) Arrow keys Place component Enter *Skip component's length 2nd - arrow key **Exit Escape * All components have a lengthe of 20 (no units, since it is a vector drawing) Pressing an arrow key with Second moves your X, Y position by this length. This makes it possible to act like using a grid and thus neatly alligning all components. Also this enables you to move without leaving a line. **The escape key triggers a Stop command, leaving everything exactly as it is. It just stops the program from running. After exiting the program - as said above - the drawing will remain intact untill the graph window gets redrawn or cleared for any reason. You thus can edit further with the built in drawing tools such as an eraser and save the image for later recall. Another useful feature of this modular design is that you can call the seperate programs to draw a loose component at the currently set X, Y coördinates. This way you can keep adding components after exiting the program. Or, even better, use the modules in your own program to for example draw an entire cirquit at once. This program is free to be modified and distributed, just don't forget the Credits!