To play this program you need to have the Librarys from installed on your calculator then press 2nd catalog (0) Asm(prgrmADVNTURE. Your goal is to collect the bananas in the corner. When you collect them all you get stronger and have more time to get the hunters off you. When the hunters are on you you will no longer be able to move until you escape, you can escape by rapidly prssing any buttons exept arrows, if you take too long to escape you will be captured and have to start over. When you are captured you can you can speed it up and slow it down with + and - (1 is slowest) increase the difficulty with * and decrease it with / (This gives your more or less time to escape the hunters) 10 is easiest 1 is hardest. Difficulty, speed, and strenght will reset after you exit. You can leave by pressing clear or selecting exit when captured.