Eat Nethams: The Game Version 1.0 2010, by Kévin Ouellet (DJ Omnimaga) Website: ============ INTRODUCTION ============ Never before you will ever have seen lobsters swim this fast. This very simple game is some sort of reference to an old Omnimaga forum (and IRC) meme involving the member Netham45 and blue lobsters. In this game you are some sort of weird monster that needs to eat as many lobsters as possible to remain alive. Written in Axe language, compiled using Axe Parser Flash APP by Kevin Horowitz (A.K.A Quigibo) ============== INCLUDED FILES ============== -O.8xp: The Game. To lose it, send to a 83+, 83+SE, 84+ or 84+SE calculator. -N.8xp: 15 MHz version of the game. Will run at the same speed as the 6 MHz version on the regular 83+. This means on 15 MHz calcs you lose the game twice faster! -source/NETHAM06.8xp: Axe source code for the 15 MHz version -source/NETHAM15.8xp: Axe source code for the 15 MHz version -ignore_me.txt: I have no clue what is that file. =========== HOW TO PLAY =========== -First of all, send either N.8xp or O.8xp (the first one will run at 15 MHz mode on SE and 84+ calcs). Run with the Asm(prgm command. This game takes exactly 666 bytes of RAM on the calculator. -Simply press left and right arrows to move around and eat lobsters. Try to eat as many as possible before time runs out. Each lobsters adds 5 to the timer. ============== SPECIAL THANKS ============== -Quigibo for making the Axe programming language. It has the speed of ASM (or very close) but can be programmed almost as easily as TI-BASIC. More info on the language can be found at -Everyone at Omnimaga for giving me support, helping me (including Quigibo himself of course) and unintentionally triggering the making of such weird game by starting memes there. =========== DISCLAIMERS =========== -If you decide to upload this game to your website download section by yourself or use the source code, you must give credits to me. -I will not be held responsible for any data loss, damage or problems caused to your calculator (or yourself) resulting from the use of this software. Use it at your own risk! -Contrary to popular belief, no lobster were harmed during the making of this game (except virtual ones :P). No other animals were, either.