RickRoll Tunnel v0.90 & 4LV RickRoll Tunnel v1.0 2010, by Kévin Ouellet (DJ Omnimaga) Website: http://codewalr.us ============ INTRODUCTION ============ *RickRoll Tunnel v0.90* This is a simple 3 level grayscale tunnel clone for the TI-83+/84+ calculators programmed using Axe Parser language by Kevin Horowitz (Quigibo). It is a clone of Axe Tunnel by me, but with Rick Astley's Never Gonna Give You Up chorus lyrics in the background, to demonstrate Axe's easy ability to allow black stuff to scroll in front of a static gray background. However, the source was lost and this version of Axe Tunnel will only work on the 6 MHz TI-83 Plus, not the 83+SE/84+ calculators. It may work on certain hardware revisions of the latter models or on emulators, though. *4LV RickRoll Tunnel v1.0 This one is a 4 level grayscale version of the above, demonstrating Axe's easy ability to use translucent graphics above a static gray background. It should work on all TI-83 Plus/84 Plus calculators, but like the above, the source is gone. ============== INCLUDED FILES ============== -DJTUNNEL.8xp: RickRoll Tunnel v0.90 -DJTUNNRR.8xp: 4LV RickRoll Tunnel v1.0 -ignore_me.txt: I have no clue what is that file. ========== INSTALLING ========== -Send the game to your TI-83+, 83+SE, 84+ or 84+SE calculator. It's around 2 KB large. -Run your game using the Asm() command or from Doors CS7. From the latter it can also be ran on the home screen without the Asm() command and remain archived. Note: the game was setup to run about twice faster on 15 MHz calculator models. The regular TI-83 Plus is the 6 MHz one. =========== HOW TO PLAY =========== -Launch the game by using Asm(prgmDJTUNNEL on the home screen. Asm( can be easily access from 2ND+CATALOG. -On title screen, simply choose the speed using LEFT and RIGHT arrows then press 2ND. In game, use UP and DOWN arrows to move around. To quit the game, press CLEAR. -When you die, the highscore list is brought up. The highscore for each speed is stored on the calc. NOTE: I believe that both games uses the exact same highscore appvar, so scores might be the same accross both. That's it, I hope you enjoy! ============== SPECIAL THANKS ============== -Quigibo for making the Axe programming language. It has the speed of ASM (or very close) but can be programmed almost as easily as TI-BASIC. More info on the language can be found at http://axe.omnimaga.org. -Everyone at Omnimaga for giving me support and helping me (including Quigibo himself of course). =========== DISCLAIMERS =========== -I will not be held responsible for any data loss, damage or problems caused to your calculator resulting from the use of this software. Use it at your own risk! -If you decide to upload this game to your website download section or use the source code, please give me credits. -Contrary to popular belief, no lobster were harmed during the making of this game. No other animals were, either.