=========================================== = Ndless v3.9 r2000 for TI-Nspire OS v3.9 = =========================================== Ndless combines an executable loader and utilities to open the TI-Nspire to third-party C and assembly development. As a TI-Nspire user, installing Ndless on your calculator will enhance the Operating System with the functions required to run assembly programs. The latest version of Ndless is available on: -> http://ndless.me The source code can be found on: -> http://github.com/ndless-nspire/Ndless The Ndless User Guide is available online, make sure to read for installation instructions: -> http://tiplanet.org/ndless Developers, here is the Dev Guide: -> http://ndlessly.wordpress.com/ndless-for-developers/ For more in-depth info, visit the wiki: -> http://hackspire.unsads.com Quick guide =========== Prerequisites: OS 3.9.1 on CX and CX CAS or OS 3.9.0 on Clickpad or Clickpad CAS Touchpad calculators not supported right now :-( -Transfer the .tns files into a folder named "ndless" (top-level) -Disconnect your USB cable -Open the appropriate installer for your handheld -If you get a message that says "Insufficient memory", reset your calculator and try again! -Connect the handheld to your computer! -Have fun! Development team ================ Co-creator and lead maintainer: Olivier Armand aka ExtendeD - < olivier dot calc at gmail dot com > Co-creator: Geoffrey Anneheim aka geogeo - < geoffrey dot anneheim at free dot fr > Contributors: bsl, critor, Excale, Goplat, hoffa, Jim Bauwens, Levak, Lionel Debroux, lkj, tangrs, Vogtinator, ... and many others. Ndless is brought to you by www.omnimaga.org and tiplanet.org We will gladly accept PayPal donations for the hardware expenses that were required for the development of Ndless. You can use the e-mail addresses above or the following URL: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business=PJ7SGQPQJ8WKQ&item_name=Ndless%20Donation Thank you for your support! Legal stuff =========== Most of the work is covered by the Mozilla Public License, version 1.1 (MPL). Please read careful the file "Mozilla-Public-License-v1.1.html" before distributing of any part of Ndless, with or without modification. Some parts are covered by other licenses. Others are in the public domain. These parts are identified by the files LICENSE.txt or LICENSE.html in the sub- directory.