; The Built-in Ion Library Routines by Joe Wingbermuehle #ifdef TI83P #define TI83P_USE_FLASH_DETECT #endif #define VERSION_MAJOR 1 ; Version (major) #define VERSION_MINOR 6 ; Version (minor) #define ION_COMPATIBILITY 0 ; Ion compatibility number #define LIBRARY_COMPATIBILITY 0 ; Library compatibility number #define NUMBER_OF_LIBRARIES 8 randData =cmdshad+80+(3*8) ;-----> Routine table routinePointers: .dw version-Lib_Start .dw random-Lib_Start .dw putSprite-Lib_Start .dw largeSprite-Lib_Start .dw getPixel-Lib_Start .dw fastCopy-Lib_Start .dw detect-Lib_Start .dw decompress-Lib_Start Lib_Start: ;-----> Return Ion version information ; hl=Ion version,a=Ion compatibility number ; d=routine compatability number ; e=number of routines version: ld a,ION_COMPATIBILITY ld hl,VERSION_MAJOR*256+VERSION_MINOR ld de,LIBRARY_COMPATIBILITY*256+NUMBER_OF_LIBRARIES ret ;-----> Generate a random number ; input b=upper bound ; ouput a=answer 0<=a Draw a sprite ; b=size of sprite ; l=yc ; a=xc ; ix holds pointer putSprite: ld e,l ld h,$00 ld d,h add hl,de add hl,de add hl,hl add hl,hl ld e,a and $07 ld c,a srl e srl e srl e add hl,de ld de,gbuf add hl,de putSpriteLoop1: sl1: ld d,(ix) ld e,$00 ld a,c or a jr z,putSpriteSkip1 putSpriteLoop2: srl d rr e dec a jr nz,putSpriteLoop2 putSpriteSkip1: ld a,(hl) xor d ld (hl),a inc hl ld a,(hl) xor e ld (hl),a ld de,$0B add hl,de inc ix djnz putSpriteLoop1 ret ;-----> Draw a picture ;Input: ix->sprite ; a=x ; l=y ; b=height (in pixels) ; c=width (in bytes, e.g. 2 would be 16) ;Output: nothing ; All registers are destroyed except bc', de', hl' largeSprite: di ex af,af' ld a,c push af ex af,af' ld e,l ld h,$00 ld d,h add hl,de add hl,de add hl,hl add hl,hl ld e,a and $07 ld c,a srl e srl e srl e add hl,de ld de,gbuf add hl,de largeSpriteLoop1: push hl largeSpriteLoop2: ld d,(ix) ld e,$00 ld a,c or a jr z,largeSpriteSkip1 largeSpriteLoop3: srl d rr e dec a jr nz,largeSpriteLoop3 largeSpriteSkip1: ld a,(hl) xor d ld (hl),a inc hl ld a,(hl) xor e ld (hl),a inc ix ex af,af' dec a push af ex af,af' pop af jr nz,largeSpriteLoop2 pop hl pop af push af ex af,af' ld de,$0C add hl,de djnz largeSpriteLoop1 pop af ret ;-----> Get pixel information ; input: e=y coordinate ; a=x coordinate ; output: a holds data for pixel (e.g. %00100000) ; hl->byte where pixel is on the gbuf getPixel: ld d,$00 ld h,d ld l,e add hl,de add hl,de add hl,hl add hl,hl ld de,gbuf add hl,de ld b,$00 ld c,a and %00000111 srl c srl c srl c add hl,bc ld b,a inc b ld a,%00000001 getPixelLoop: rrca djnz getPixelLoop ret ;-----> Copy the gbuf to the screen (fast) ;Input: nothing ;Output:graph buffer is copied to the screen fastCopy: di ld a,$80 ; 7 out ($10),a ; 11 ld hl,gbuf-12-(-(12*64)+1) ; 10 ld a,$20 ; 7 ld c,a ; 4 inc hl ; 6 waste dec hl ; 6 waste fastCopyAgain: ld b,64 ; 7 inc c ; 4 ld de,-(12*64)+1 ; 10 out ($10),a ; 11 add hl,de ; 11 ld de,10 ; 10 fastCopyLoop: add hl,de ; 11 inc hl ; 6 waste inc hl ; 6 waste inc de ; 6 ld a,(hl) ; 7 out ($11),a ; 11 dec de ; 6 djnz fastCopyLoop ; 13/8 ld a,c ; 4 cp $2B+1 ; 7 jr nz,fastCopyAgain ; 10/1 ret ; 10 ; Critical timings: ; command->command: 65 ; command->value : 68 ; value ->value : 66 ; value ->command: 67 ;-----> Detect a file ; input: ; hl=place to start looking ; ix->first line of data (0 terminated) ; output: ; de=place stopped + 1 ; hl->program data (after the string) ; z=0 if found, z=1 if not found. ; All registers destroyed detect: ld de,(ptemp) bcall(_cphlde) ld a,(hl) jr nz,detectContinue inc a ret detectContinue: push hl and $01 jr nz,detectSkip #ifdef TI83P dec hl dec hl dec hl ; hl->lsb ptr ld e,(hl) dec hl ld d,(hl) dec hl ; hl->page ld a,(hl) or a push af ld h,d ld l,e ; hl & de->program jr z,detectNoMove push hl bcall(_memfree) ld bc,64 sbc hl,bc pop hl jr c,detectNotEnough ld de,($9820) push ix push hl push de bcall(_flashToRam) pop hl push hl pop ix ld a,10 add a,(ix+9) ld e,a ld d,0 ; de=flash offset add hl,de ex (sp),hl add hl,de pop de ex de,hl ; hl-temp, de-perm pop ix detectNoMove: inc de inc de ld c,(hl) inc hl ld b,(hl) inc hl ; hl->data in ram push bc push ix pop bc detectCheck: ld a,(bc) or a jr z,detectFound cp (hl) inc bc inc de inc hl jr z,detectCheck detectBad: pop bc detectNotEnough: pop af detectSkip: pop hl ld bc,-6 add hl,bc ld b,(hl) dec hl detectNameLoop2: dec hl djnz detectNameLoop2 jr detect detectFound: pop hl ; hl=size, de->data pop af ; a=page, f=(or a) jr z,detectInRam push de ; data push af push hl bcall(_enoughRam) pop bc jr c,detectBad pop af pop hl ld de,($9820) ; tempMem push de bcall(_flashToRam) pop de detectInRam: ; de->data in RAM pop hl ; hl->vat location ld bc,-6 add hl,bc ld b,(hl) inc b detectNameLoop1: dec hl djnz detectNameLoop1 ex de,hl xor a ret #else dec hl ; move to ptr ld b,(hl) dec hl push hl ld h,(hl) ld l,b ; now we are at the program inc hl ; skip file length inc hl push ix pop de detectCheck: ld a,(de) or a jr z,detectFound cp (hl) inc de inc hl jr z,detectCheck detectNoGood: pop hl detectSkip: pop hl dec hl dec hl dec hl ld b,(hl) dec hl detectNameLoop2: dec hl djnz detectNameLoop2 jr detect detectFound: ex de,hl pop hl pop af dec hl ld b,(hl) inc b detectNameLoop1: dec hl djnz detectNameLoop1 ex de,hl xor a ret #endif ;-----> Decompress data ; input: ; hl->compressed data ; de->place to load data ; b=length of compressed data ; c=compression factor (1, 3, or 15) ; output: ; level is decompressed ; hl->next byte of compressed data decompress: di decompressLoop: push bc ld a,(hl) ex af,af' ld a,c ld b,8 cp 1 jr z,dcmp1 ld b,4 cp 3 jr z,dcmp1 ld b,2 dcmp1: push bc ld a,c ld b,1 cp 1 jr z,dcmp2 inc b cp 3 jr z,dcmp2 ld b,4 dcmp2: ex af,af' dcmp3: rlca djnz dcmp3 ld b,a ex af,af' ld a,b and c ld (de),a inc de pop bc djnz dcmp1 inc hl pop bc djnz decompressLoop ret Lib_End: ; End of Ion Library Routines by Joe Wingbermuehle