;--------------->Plasma<------------------ ;Version 1.0 ; ;The source code to Plasma is freely available. ;(This includes plasma.asm, gui.asm and load.asm. [It does not include ;ionlibs.asm this code was written by Joe Wingbermuehle and ;used with permission. If you would like to use it in your code ;you must contact Joe Wingbermuehle ;and get his permission.]) ;The source must be packaged with the compiled binaries. ;Any one can modify, recompile, then distribute the source code. ;The source must be released on the modified version and must ;carry this copy right at the top of the source files. ;Before releasing the program a ;e-mails explaining what kind of program the code was used for ;should be sent to the following people: ;Joe Flint ;Brandon Engelberth ;This is so we know if the code is ever actualy used. If you optimize ;or fix a bug it would be very much appreciated if you would email ;it to the above people. This way they can be included in the official ;releases of Plasma. ;Authors: ;Joe Flint - GUI ;JoeFlint@calc.org ; ;Brandon Engelberth - CORE, LOADER ;reddwarf_lester@yahoo.com ; ;Enjoy!