Pac-Man 99 - The utlimate Pac-Man for ION! Programmed by Patrick Davidson/Sam Heald 1) System requirements - An TI-83 or 83+! - ION v1.1+ 2) Playing the game At the startup screen, use the new menu system to configure your game. You get 500 bonus points for selecting 4 enemies. You get 900 bonus points for selecting the fast speed level. Inside the game, you move around with the arrow keys. You can press [CLEAR] to quit and [DEL] to save the game and exit. The [2nd] key can be used to turn the autopilot on and off. When it is turned on, you continue moving until you hit something, and can turn at any time. When it is off, you only move for a short distance each time you press an arrow key, and cannot turn while you are moving. Also during play, press [MODE] to pause the game and view your score, level, and live totals. 3) Contacting me (Patrick): WWW - EMail - Contacting me (Sam): Email: WWW: 4) Thank Yous Patrick Davidson- Without him there would be no Pac-Man '99 Dines Christy Justesen- Several things Ahmed El-Helw- Help, suggestions, beta testing Anyone else I might have missed! 5) Scoring Eating a small pill 1 Eating a large pill 5 Eating a ghost 50 End of level lives bonus 100 Bonus for hard mode 500 Victory bonus 1000 6) Version history: Pac-Man 98 v0.9(30-Apr-98) -Limited released beta with no scrolling or pause feature. Pac-Man 98 v1.0 (5-May-98) -First public release for the 82! -Scrolling and pause feature added. -Size: 3175 Pac-Man 98 v1.1 (28-May-98) -Fixed Graphing bug -Changed the controls to be more 82 friendly -Slowed game down to be comparable to the 85 version. -Size: 3175 (Improving the game and keeping the size!) Pac-Man 98 v1.2 (5-October-98) -Fixed several bugs -saved 9 bytes -SIZE: 3166 Pac-Man 99 v0.3 (28-October-98) -Added a menu based title screen -Added 2 speeds -Added instruction screen -Added 4 levels! -Fixed pause screen(didn't stay on screen) -SIZE: 4228 bytes Pac-Man 99 v0.4 (31-October-98) -Removed contrast changing -Removed instruction screen -Removed invicibility cheat -Fixed save bug -SIZE: 3922 bytes (still too big) Pac-Man 99 v0.5 (21-December-98) - Fixed title screen bug - Changed ProgDesc - SIZE: 3927 Pac-Man 99 v0.5 (21-October-99) - Converted to ION (due to popular demand) - SIZE: 3964