MirageOS 1.2 (May 12th, 2004) by Dan Englender and Jason Kovacs Thank you for downloading the MirageOS shell for the TI-83 Plus and TI-84 Plus. General info is available at: www.detachedsolutions.com/mirageos/ The User Manual is available at:www.detachedsolutions.com/mirageos/manual/ For installation help goto: www.detachedsolutions.com/mirageos/manual/install.php Developer information is at: www.detachedsolutions.com/mirageos/develop/ Please read through the online documentation and user manual before running MirageOS. Any questions or comments can be sent to: mirage@detachedsolutions.com List of changes since version 1.1: Problem/Bug Fixes: - BASIC programs work on all hardware/operating system combinations - Folder size display can be larger than 65535 bytes - Number of programs wont overflow past 127 - Key hook doesn't destroy OP1 - Fixed USB interrupt bug on 84 Plus - Fixed potential bug with on+del - Doesn't detect programs ! or # - can APD after link transmission failure - Free archive display large enough to display SE free memory - prgm token is displayed properly in BASIC program descriptions - Turning off calculator works better on SE - Web address points to the right place - Other misc fixes New Additions/Changes: - Sorting is much faster - Smart writeback only writes back to archive if programs are modified - New on+^ tasker key to immediately quit without writeback - Some functions run at 15 mhz on capable calculators. - Can cancel rename/new folder prompts - 82 emulation removed List of changes since version 1.0: Problem/Bug Fixes: - No longer crashes at the Graph Screen, System Key Hooks fixed. - Archive/Unarchive Programs works under Low RAM/ROM conditions. - Program Sorting works correctly for two progs of the same Name. - BASIC programs run correctly (Text before Input, Menus, etc.) - Alpha+ON Key Hook Fixed, No longer messes up the calculator when the Link Cable is inserted during this Powerdown method. - Linking and Transferring of programs is fixed. - Pressing ON to Break during BASIC menus no longer has problems. - TI-82 Emulation improved, and an Emulation Loader Bug is fixed. - Hidden programs no longer mess up when a folder is deleted. - Auto-Powerdown (APD) fixed in Mirage programs that use APD. New Additions/Changes: - All Sort methods except sorting by Program Name were removed. - A new function to "Hide All" programs has been implemented. - Rearranged contents of the Function Bar in the Program Manager: 1.) The Sort menu is now called "Actn" (meaning Action), which contains the two functions to Sort Folders & Move All Programs. 2.) The Info menu for programs now has the "All" selection be used for the Hide All function. - Shortcut Keys were added to the Program Manager for easy access to several of the functions and the keypresses are as follows: DEL = Delete Program/Folder, MATH = New Folder, APPS = Rename Program/Folder, PRGM = Hide All, VARS = FreeRAM/ROM Display, X-1 = Sort Folder, SIN = Archive Program, COS = Hide Program, TAN = Lock/UnLock Program, STO = Move Program/Move All Programs. - Several of these functions can be accessed from the Folders Menu now, when using another GUI. - The input routine for Program and Folder names has been changed to use the ALPHA key to toggle between Letters and Numbers, as opposed to the previous usage of the ON key to switch modes. - Key Hooks are not active on the Graph Screen, such as Alpha+ON, Alpha+APPS, and Quick Key Repeat, but Protecting the Memory Menu still functions correctly from any place in the calculator. - Sorting Message is now displayed on the screen when the shell is sorting programs. Sometimes this could take a while, and we don't want users to think their calculator crashed when starting MirageOS or sorting programs manually from the Program Manager. * Copyright (c) 2000-2004 -- Detached Solutions (www.detachedsolution.com)