**************************************************************************** **************************************************************************** ** ** Platinum (Enemy bullets) ** ** This software is in the public domain. There is no warranty. ** ** by Patrick Davidson (pad@calc.org, http://pad.calc.org/) ** ** Last updated November 24, 2001 ** **************************************************************************** **************************************************************************** ******************************************** HANDLE ENEMY BULLETS * * This routines processes each bullet in the enemy bullet array. It tests * each bullet for a collision with the player, and if a collision is * detected the bullet is eliminated and the player damaged. Both objects are * approximated as rectangles for this collision detection. Refer to the * description of player-bullet-to-enemy collisions in 'BULLETS.ASM' for * details of how that works. * * For each bullet which does not hit the player, the enemy movement routine * is then called. The bullet's type is the word offset of the routine. The * bullet routine is called with A4 pointing to the bullet structure, and D7 * holding the number of items remaining in the array. It must preserve these * two registers, and should update the coordinates and other data as needed, * but not draw the bullet. * * This routine itself draws each bullet, using the coordinates and image * specified in tis structure, before doing other processing on it. * ******** Enemy_Bullets: lea enemy_bullets(a5),a4 ; A4 -> Enemy bullet entry moveq #15,d7 loop_draw_enemy_bullets: move.w (a4),d6 ; Test for bullet's presence beq.s ebd_no_bullet_here move.w eb_x(a4),d0 ; Draw the bullet move.w eb_y(a4),d1 move.w eb_image(a4),d2 bsr Xor_Sprite_D2 lea player_ship(a5),a3 lea (a4),a1 bsr Test_Collision lea (a1),a4 beq.s ebd_no_collision clr.w (a4) move.w eb_dmg(a4),d5 bsr Player_Damage bra.s ebd_no_bullet_here ebd_no_collision: lea eb_y(a4),a3 ; Move enemy bullets jsr Enemy_Bullets(pc,d6.w) ebd_no_bullet_here: lea eb_size(a4),a4 dbra d7,loop_draw_enemy_bullets rts ******************************************** ENEMY BULLET SUBROUTINES ebx_arrow: move.w (a3),d4 addq.w #2,d4 bra.s ebx_y_finished ebx_locked: move.w #EB_NORMAL,(a4) move.w #in_Guided_Down,e_image(a4) clr.w eb_data(a4) ebx_normal_bullet: move.w (a3),d4 addq.w #1,d4 ebx_y_finished: cmp.w #140,d4 bge.s ebx_kill move.w d4,(a3) move.w eb_data(a4),d1 btst #0,level_timer+1(a5) beq.s ebx_horiz_d1 rts ebx_guided_left: addq.w #1,(a3) cmp.w #140,(a3) bge.s ebx_kill subq.w #1,e_x(a4) cmp.w #20,e_x(a4) ble.s ebx_locked move.w e_x(a4),d0 subq.w #6,d0 cmp.w player_xc(a5),d0 blt.s ebx_locked rts ebx_guided_right: addq.w #1,(a3) cmp.w #140,(a3) bge.s ebx_kill addq.w #1,e_x(a4) cmp.w #215,e_x(a4) bge.s ebx_locked move.w e_x(a4),d0 subq.w #6,d0 cmp.w player_xc(a5),d0 bgt.s ebx_locked rts ebx_kill: clr.w (a4) rts ebx_aimed_bullet: move.b eb_data+1(a4),d2 ext.w d2 bsr Div_D2_By_4 move.w d2,d1 move.b eb_data(a4),d2 ext.w d2 bsr Div_D2_By_4 add.w (a3),d2 move.w d2,(a3) cmp.w #140,d2 bgt.s ebx_kill ebx_horiz_d1: subq.w #4,a3 add.w (a3),d1 move.w d1,(a3) blt.s ebx_kill cmp.w #222,d1 bgt.s ebx_kill rts ********************************************** ENEMY BULLET TYPES * * The EBULLET macro assigns an enemy bullet type to each type of enemy bullet * used in the game. The first argument is the symbol that is created for the * type, and the second is the bullet's code. The enemy bullet type is a * relative pointer, and is used in the type field of the enemy bullet array. * * As this table is only used to set symbols to equal the offsets, this table * takes absolutely no space in the executable code. * ******* EBULLET MACRO \1 equ \2-Enemy_Bullets ENDM EBULLET EB_ARROW,ebx_arrow EBULLET EB_NORMAL,ebx_normal_bullet EBULLET EB_AIMED,ebx_aimed_bullet EBULLET EB_RIGHT,ebx_guided_right EBULLET EB_LEFT,ebx_guided_left