Supersonic Ball Version 1.0.1 2013, by Dream of Omnimaga (some physics code by Builderboy) ============ INTRODUCTION ============ *WARNING!!! People who have epilepsy should NOT play this game using an emulator, unless it properly emulates the calculator motion blur effect from the LCD!* Thanks for downloading Supersonic Ball, a game written in Axe language for the TI-83 Plus and TI-84 Plus series. This project was started in July 2010, back in the early days of Axe Parser, but went into hiatus until September 2013. Supersonic Ball is a simple side-scrolling platformer/tunnel hybrid where you control a bouncing ball, guiding it to the end of each level. Challenge lies in getting through narrow areas or climbing stuff without bouncing back, and it gets progressively harder to do so as the game progresses. The game features physics, randomized levels, animated graphics (or sometimes grayscale), smooth scrolling and parallax backgrounds. Try to get as far as possible as fast as you can without running out of time to get the highest score! ============== INCLUDED FILES ============== -SSBALL.8xp: The game executable. -Source Code/SBALLSRC.8xp: The particularly messy source code. -ignore_me.txt: That thing that usually nobody reads when it's called readme.txt. ========== INSTALLING ========== -Send SSBALL.8xp or SSBALL to your TI-83+, 83+SE, 84+ or 84+SE calculator. It's around 4.5 KB large. -Select the Asm( command in the CATALOG (2nd+0) then the program from the PRGM menu. Run it with the Asm(prgmSSBALL) syntax. You can also use Doors CS 7 to run it from the archive. Note: the game was set up to run in 6 MHz mode except during level loading sequences (meaning that it's 83 Plus compatible, although there might be some minor lag when switching levels). =========== HOW TO PLAY =========== -Press any key to skip the title screen. Use arrows to control the bouncing ball speed and 2nd to bounce higher. Use CLEAR to quit the game. -The objective of the game is to cross tunnels with the bouncing ball before time runs out. In order to finish each level in time, you must avoid wall edges by controlling the ball, slowing down or accelerating when required. If the timer reaches 0, it's game over. Extra time is added at the end of each level, but it varies depending on the level. Your score is based on time left at the end of each completed level, along with the amount of levels completed. Everytime you finish level 16, it loops back to level 1, but fewer and fewer extra time is added at the end of each level, making it much harder to not run out of time. ============== SPECIAL THANKS ============== -Quigibo for making the Axe programming language and Runer112 for continuing its legacy. More info on the language can be found at -Builderboy for helping me with the physics code way back in 2010. -Everyone at Omnimaga for giving me support and helping me (including Quigibo himself of course). =========== DISCLAIMERS =========== -If you are planning to use source code of my game in your programs, please at least give me credits (or to Builderboy for the physics, since he helped a lot). -If you post this program without my permission on your website, please include my DJ Omnimaga nickname. -People who have epilepsy should NOT play this game using an emulator, unless it properly emulates the calculator motion blur effect from the LCD! -I will not be held responsible for any data loss, damage or problems caused to your calculator resulting from the use of this software. Use it at your own risk! -Contrary to popular belief, no lobster were harmed during the making of this game. No other animals were, either. =============== VERSION HISTORY =============== -v0.0.1 (07/14/2010): Original demo with only 1 level and no score, death nor title screen. -v1.0.0 (09/18/2013): Initial release of completed game -v1.0.1 (11/24/2013): Fixed bug causing score to disappear instantly if game is run using Doors CS.