################################################################################## ____ __ ____ ____ __ __ ____ ____ ____ _ _ ____ __ _ ____ ( _ \ / \( _ \(_ _)/ _\ ( ) ( _ \( __)(_ _)/ )( \( _ \( ( \/ ___) ) __/( O )) / )( / \/ (_/\ ) / ) _) )( ) \/ ( ) // /\___ \ (__) \__/(__\_) (__)\_/\_/\____/ (__\_)(____) (__) \____/(__\_)\_)__)(____/ ################################################################################## MateoConLechuga MatthewWaltzIs@Gmail.com March 2015 ############################## Introduction ############################## Welcome to Aperture Laboratories! If this is your first time venturing into our facilities, then good luck! If not, then good luck! ############################## Installation: ############################## Send Portal.8ck and Portal1P.8xv to your calculator. If you would like to edit levels or make your own, send PortalED.8ck as well. You can get a transfer program here: http://education.ti.com/en/us/software/details/en/CA9C74CAD02440A69FDC7189D7E1B6C2/swticonnectcesoftware ############### Playing: ############### Press the [APPS] button. It's called Portal. Press [ENTER]. Enjoy! ############################## Controls: ############################## [2ND] - Continue, Enter [MODE] - Quit game while playing [CLEAR] - Quit; back button [1-9] - Fire portals [5] - Switches next fire color -- look in lower right ############################## Editor Controls: ############################## ::Main Menu:: [+] - Add Level [-] - Delete level [1] - Move current level within pack [2] - Copy level pack to other pack ::Actual Editor:: [2ND] - Place current tile [MODE] - Access Menu [ALPHA/MATH] - Rotate through tiles [1] - Quick Key (Start) [2] - Quick Key (Fields) [3] - Quick Key (Doors) [4] - Quick Key (Buttons) ############################## In-Game Elements ############################## Buttons: Buttons open doors, not the other way around. Use them by standing on them or by placing a cube on them. Cubes: Cubes can be picked up by the player by pressing [2ND]. They are also dropped by pressing [2ND]. Fizzler: A fizzler is a field through which you cannot shoot Portals. They are blue. Electric Field: Let's just say you don't want to run into one. Spikes: Spikes are much like electric fields, they can lead to injury. But most likely instant death. Glass: Weird substance that you can shoot beams through. High Energy Pellet: These things you don't want to touch. You can open doors with them though, so they are kind of useful. Just guide them with portals into the square block buttons. ############### Credits ############### Unicorn For doing extensive beta testing and creating a port of the original monochrome Portal Prelude levels, and always finding those bugs I thought I had gotten rid of. CKH4 For creating the sprites and tiles used in this game, and giving great ideas and suggestions. JamesV For helping with beta testing and pointing out my horrendous speling mistakes, and providing support along the way. ralphworthington74 For providing ideas and input, along with testing in order to find the things that shouldn't happen but did. 123outerme For finding that elusive bug that just wouldn't die, and testing to find where I messed up. BuilderBoy For the orginal amazing monochrome version, which inspired this creation. Valve For making such a great game! Cemetech.net For providing helpful support and a fantastic community! ############### Bugs ############### If you happen to find a bug, just send me an email at MatthewWaltzIs@Gmail.com. Please keep in mind though that bugs from levels created using the editor are probably possible.