Thanks for downloading MetroSiberia ! This game is an adaptation from the Metro Siberia flash game: You can play this game on TI-82+/83+/84+ calculators. To play this game, you need first to send MAPMETRO.xv to your calculator. Then, put it in the ARC memory and send METROSIB.xp (if you use a shell send the ion version). To launch the game, just do the asm(prgmMETROSIB) command. Use arrow keys to navigate in the main menu and hold [2nd] to choose an option like an area or a tail . Use [Alpha] in front of PLAY to play. Use the "up" arrow key to control the vessel and press [clear] when you are flying to go back to the menu. What you need to know: -This game is big, if it doesn't launch when you do asm(prgmMETROSIB) you must archive programs (the game needs at least 18 500 free RAM bytes). -When you pass a checkpoint your progression is saved./!\ Your speed and gravity may change, be ready !. -Your Stats are saved in the appvar "STATMETR". You can reset your stats by deleting it. Can you finish this game by crossing the 11 areas ?