--------------------------------WARNING!!!------------------------------------ My saves are a little mixed up, so not everything will line up perfectly. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Ultimate fractal grapher for the TI-84 plus CE was conceived around February 2016 after I had searched for a decent grapher all over the internet without success. Not long after its conception, M1 came off the board. M1: A simple loop which placed the appropriate black or white 3x3 pixel dot on the graph screen according to 10 itts. (M stood for Mandelbrot) After M1, I was feeling pretty good about myself, so later I through together M2. M2: A loop which placed the appropriate black or white 3x3 pixel dots on the graph screen according to ~25 its. In this version, I was also experimenting with zoom; You would have to enter Xmax, Xmin, Ymax, and Ymin manually (this was before I knew about ‘vars’ ‘1’). It didn’t make it very far before I decided to lay it off until I got better at programing. I also designed J2 (same as M2 but it was for Julia sets) a little while after M2. (Now? the Js been lost to the wind… *sob*) After losing M2 and J2 to a RAM reset, I again scoured the internet for a fractal grapher. The result was M3 (after some modding, it was a CSE program) M3: A program I found off the internet (finally). J3: M3 for Julia Sets. (J stood for Julia) After some thought (and some experimentation with the ‘Menu(’ function) I created F4. F4: This is the first combined set, nothing special. The inspiration for this came from having to edit both the M and J programs whenever I created an update. In short: F4=M3+J3 (F stands for Fractal) I lost interest in the graphing of fractals for some time after F4. But, after I found out about lowercase lettering, I started converting all of my programs to it. F5: 6/17/2016 Added lowercase lettering, added color to the iterations (It was not adjustable), converted the initial zoom to X=3.219512… and Y=2 rather then the old X=4.024390… and Y=2.5. And again I started experimenting with zoom, except this time I had the X/Y (‘vars’ ‘1’) menu to work with! F6: A Working zoom! Color choices for the iterations, iteration choices ranging from 1 to 1000, and pixilation choices of 1 or 3. When I colored the iterations, I realized it was all wrong. F7: Corrected the boundary search from abs(real(Z))>2 to real(Z)²+imag(Z)²>4 I started getting serious about adding new features F8: Added the window menu and the settings menu (it only had the pixilation and the iteration settings.) F9: added iteration colors choices, added the Notes mainmenu option and added a crude time approximation by iterations. F10: completed work on the window editor (press the key associated with the menu option you want to change) the time approximation takes the pixilation into account. F11: added the format menu to keep all of the color options contained. ALL of the programs graph colors can now be changed. F12: Added the custom backgrounds to the background changer. added the Off feature to the unit colors so you could see the background. F13: Added the ability to use the arrows in the format menu rather than just using the number-pad. (ancient custom feature:) when entering Julia mode or Mandelbrot mode you could enter the power to have Z be to (Z^G+C=Z). I also took the 1000 iteration limit off. F14: Added the Custom feature to the main menu and added the equation view to the window menu option. Then I got a TIcalc account! I released F15. F15: Added Sierpinski and adds the boundary settings to the Custom feature. It will also now display the colors correctly when the program is opened in an external editor and it now has error messages in the inside of the program. Also, I redid the engine to attempt to make the grapher faster; I think all it did was make it a little smaller, not faster. I realized F5 as the ‘simple version’ in the release didn’t work, so I changed that to F8. Then I got a Cemetech account! (Released F15) Then the real game changer came in: I learned C! (Thanks Mateo) F1C: Wrote the grapher in C! Includes a Mandelbrot and Julia grapher, zoom, and a function that should have been implemented into graphX hadn't yet. (F1C stands for the Fractals v1 in C after my old basic Fractal graphers.)