_ _ _ _ _________ | | | | | | | | |_________| | |_____| | | | | | _________ | _____ | | | | | |_________| | | | | | |_____| | _________ |_| |_| |_________| |_________| epsilon5 INTRODUCTION ============ HUE CE is a reflex and skill-based game in which the player must shoot a never-ending rain of colored circles with the appropriate color, matching their color with one of the three colors available to the player. It was written in C by me, epsilon5, as my third C game, and is available for the TI-84 Plus CE and TI-83 Premium CE calculators. The game features smooth and consistent gameplay (30+ FPS), 11 unique color themes to unlock through the completion of various achievements within the game, challenging and skill-based gameplay, readily accessible statistics, the ability to save and return to a game at any time, and an organized and polished GUI. It should be an enjoyable game to play during free time in classes, or anywhere else. INSTALLATION ============ Installing this game is very easy. Here's what you'll need to get started: -TI Connect CE or other software that enables you to send files to your calculator -a copy of HUE CE -your calculator -a USB->calculator link cable Once you have acquired these materials, follow the following steps to send HailStorm CE to your calculator: 1. unzip the folder "HUECE" 2. open TI Connect CE or other connectivity software 3. make sure you have the latest C libraries on your calculator (download here if you don't: https://github.com/CE-Programming/libraries/releases/tag/v8.7) 4. send HUE CE to your calculator (all data is contained within this program, so it does not require any appvars) 5. run HUE CE from the [pgrm] menu or from your favorite shell CONTROLS ======== The controls, as always, are very simple: MENUS: [y=] to [graph]: interact with the bottom toolbar, which will usually have some options available above it [<], [>], [^], and [v]: change the selected option when applicable [2nd] or [enter]: select GAMEPLAY: [y=] to [graph]: interact with the bottom toolbar, either rotating your turret to the max left and right positions, or firing a bullet of the color of the button above the key [<]: rotate your turret to the left [>]: rotate your turret to the right [mode]: pause the game [clear]: quit the game (will give a prompt to confirm if the player wants to quit, and if the game should be saved) MAIN MENU ========= The first screen that is once loading is completed, the main menu displays a logo in the top of the screen, along with three buttons on the bottom of the screen that take the player to different areas of the game. Here are the controls: [y=]: access the submenu, which contains the theme selection, settings, statistics, about, and connect pages for the game [zoom]: play the game [graph] or [clear]: exit the game GAMEPLAY ======== The game is very simple to pick up and start playing. Here's what you need to know: TARGETS: different colored targets will fall down from the top of the screen, and must be hit with their color. You can fire bullets using the [y=] to [graph] keys. LIVES: you have five lives, one of which will be lost when you either (1) hit a target with a bullet that does not match its color or (2) let a bullet reach the bottom of the screen without destroying it POWERUPS: sometimes, powerups will fall from the top of the screen as well. There are four powerups: -WIPEOUT: sends a colored shockwave from the position of the turret, destroying all of the targets that it hits -HEALTH: gives the player an extra life -POINTS: gives the player an additional 100 points -FREEZE: freezes the game for a set amount of time, rendering targets still and making them significantly easier to destroy when in this state HARD MODE: a harder difficulty mode can be enabled in the options menu, disabling powerups. If this mode is enabled, the player will receive a 50% score bonus upon game completion to compensate for the higher difficulty. QUITTING: the game can be quit at any time either from the pause menu (accessed by pressing [mode]) or by pressing [clear]. In both cases, there will be an option to save the game, which will quit the game immediately, storing the game state in an archived appvar and giving the option to return to that saved game state when the game is next started. OPTIONS ======= Here are all of the options available in the game so far: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ | NAME | FUNCTION | |=================|=====================================================================================================| | Menu Wrapping | With this option on, the menus in the game will jump to the opposite end of the menu if they are | | | past. So, if you scroll past the first option in the menu, it will jump to the last option, and | | | vice versa. | | Show FPS | Toggles the FPS meter on or off. When on, it will show the current FPS of the game. Note that this | | | FPS will only be visible in the main game screen. | | Hard Mode | Enables the hard mode ingame, which disables all powerups. This was how the game was before | | | powerups were added, and was significantly harder than the current version. | | Background Off | Disables the background to improve performance, but only in the gameplay screen | | Reset statistics| Resets the entire game to its original state, resetting statistics, colors, and settings | |_________________|_____________________________________________________________________________________________________| CONCLUSION ========== Thanks again for downloading and playing my game. If you want to check out some of my other programs or submit feature requests or feedback for this game, please visit www.cemetech.net and search for HUE CE, or my username, epsilon5. In addition, you can also go to the Connect screen within the program, which contains QR codes that can be scanned with a mobile device and enable the player to access my programs, the forum for HUE CE, and the Cemetech Discord server. CHANGELOG ========= _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ | VERSION | NOTES | |=================|=====================================================================================================| | 1.0.0 | First release... | |_________________|_____________________________________________________________________________________________________| |