/* Copyright 2018 Embedded Microprocessor Benchmark Consortium (EEMBC) Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. Original Author: Shay Gal-on */ #include "coremark.h" /* local functions */ enum CORE_STATE core_state_transition( ee_u8 **instr , ee_u32 *transition_count); /* Topic: Description Simple state machines like this one are used in many embedded products. For more complex state machines, sometimes a state transition table implementation is used instead, trading speed of direct coding for ease of maintenance. Since the main goal of using a state machine in CoreMark is to excercise the switch/if behaviour, we are using a small moore machine. In particular, this machine tests type of string input, trying to determine whether the input is a number or something else. (see core_state.png). */ /* Function: core_bench_state Benchmark function Go over the input twice, once direct, and once after introducing some corruption. */ ee_u16 core_bench_state(ee_u32 blksize, ee_u8 *memblock, ee_s16 seed1, ee_s16 seed2, ee_s16 step, ee_u16 crc) { ee_u32 final_counts[NUM_CORE_STATES]; ee_u32 track_counts[NUM_CORE_STATES]; ee_u8 *p=memblock; ee_u32 i; #if CORE_DEBUG ee_printf("State Bench: %d,%d,%d,%04x\n",seed1,seed2,step,crc); #endif for (i=0; i0) { for(i=0;i>3) & 0x3]; next=4; break; case 3: /* float */ case 4: /* float */ buf=floatpat[(seed>>3) & 0x3]; next=8; break; case 5: /* scientific */ case 6: /* scientific */ buf=scipat[(seed>>3) & 0x3]; next=8; break; case 7: /* invalid */ buf=errpat[(seed>>3) & 0x3]; next=8; break; default: /* Never happen, just to make some compilers happy */ break; } } size++; while (total='0') & (c<='9')) ? 1 : 0; return retval; } /* Function: core_state_transition Actual state machine. The state machine will continue scanning until either: 1 - an invalid input is detcted. 2 - a valid number has been detected. The input pointer is updated to point to the end of the token, and the end state is returned (either specific format determined or invalid). */ enum CORE_STATE core_state_transition( ee_u8 **instr , ee_u32 *transition_count) { ee_u8 *str=*instr; ee_u8 NEXT_SYMBOL; enum CORE_STATE state=CORE_START; for( ; *str && state != CORE_INVALID; str++ ) { NEXT_SYMBOL = *str; if (NEXT_SYMBOL==',') /* end of this input */ { str++; break; } switch(state) { case CORE_START: if(ee_isdigit(NEXT_SYMBOL)) { state = CORE_INT; } else if( NEXT_SYMBOL == '+' || NEXT_SYMBOL == '-' ) { state = CORE_S1; } else if( NEXT_SYMBOL == '.' ) { state = CORE_FLOAT; } else { state = CORE_INVALID; transition_count[CORE_INVALID]++; } transition_count[CORE_START]++; break; case CORE_S1: if(ee_isdigit(NEXT_SYMBOL)) { state = CORE_INT; transition_count[CORE_S1]++; } else if( NEXT_SYMBOL == '.' ) { state = CORE_FLOAT; transition_count[CORE_S1]++; } else { state = CORE_INVALID; transition_count[CORE_S1]++; } break; case CORE_INT: if( NEXT_SYMBOL == '.' ) { state = CORE_FLOAT; transition_count[CORE_INT]++; } else if(!ee_isdigit(NEXT_SYMBOL)) { state = CORE_INVALID; transition_count[CORE_INT]++; } break; case CORE_FLOAT: if( NEXT_SYMBOL == 'E' || NEXT_SYMBOL == 'e' ) { state = CORE_S2; transition_count[CORE_FLOAT]++; } else if(!ee_isdigit(NEXT_SYMBOL)) { state = CORE_INVALID; transition_count[CORE_FLOAT]++; } break; case CORE_S2: if( NEXT_SYMBOL == '+' || NEXT_SYMBOL == '-' ) { state = CORE_EXPONENT; transition_count[CORE_S2]++; } else { state = CORE_INVALID; transition_count[CORE_S2]++; } break; case CORE_EXPONENT: if(ee_isdigit(NEXT_SYMBOL)) { state = CORE_SCIENTIFIC; transition_count[CORE_EXPONENT]++; } else { state = CORE_INVALID; transition_count[CORE_EXPONENT]++; } break; case CORE_SCIENTIFIC: if(!ee_isdigit(NEXT_SYMBOL)) { state = CORE_INVALID; transition_count[CORE_INVALID]++; } break; default: break; } } *instr=str; return state; }