Mega Man 83 ---- --- -- by Paul Marks ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * THIS VERSION FIXES THE CRASH-BUG FROM THE PREVIOUS VERSION! * This version fixes the bug that caused your calculator to crash upon winning the game. It was an error in one of the routines. You may also now press mode at the text screens/storylines and quit back to MirageOS immediately. Thanks for your patience, and I am very sorry for anybody whose calculator i incedentally and accidentally crashed. Paul Marks ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Table of Contents: 1) Special Message from Paul Marks 2) Safety Precautions 3) Getting Started 4) The Story So Far 5) Controlling Mega Man 6) Gameplay 7) Mega Man's Arsenal 8) Special Items 9) Using Your Password 10) Robot Masters and Other Enemies 11) Mega Hints 12) Contacting the Programmer 13) Credits ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1) Special Message from Paul Marks: Thanks for downloading Mega Man 83, a port of the z80 ASM adventure game based on the popular Mega Man series by Capcom. I hope you enjoy this game, as I put a lot of work into porting it. ;) Hopefully I can find the time to write/port more ASM games in the future. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2) Safety Precautions: Use this game only with a TI-83+ calculator with MirageOS loaded onto it. Also, it would be a good idea to have nothing else in RAM, as it takes up 18708 bytes of memory. I think it's worth all the space, and I hope you do too. I'm not responsible for anything this does to your calc, but there should be no risk involved. If you drop your calculator or do something else equally damaging to it while Mega Man 83 is loaded on it and the calc breaks, I don't think that's my fault, so I don't wanna hear about it. ;] Oh yeah, one more thing. The source is included for all you porters out there, but I took this source from the original and edited it (to decrease the size by *4K*) so that it would work on the 83+ under MirageOS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3) Getting Started: (1) Put MirageOS on to your TI-83+ Calc (2) Load megaman.8xp onto your calc. (3) Run MirageOS from the [APPS] menu and select the program via any GUI that you might have (4) Press any button to advance to the next screen after reading the story. (5) At the title screen, choose to start the game or enter a password (see: 9) Using Your Password for more information) with the up and down arrow keys, then press ENTER to make your selection. (6) When the next screen appears, you will see mug shots of TI and his 8 Robot Masters. Use the arrow keys to move the cursor to the robot you wish to battle and press the ENTER key to start the action! (7) To end the game at any time, simply press the MODE key. This works anywhere except during the ending sequence, during the ending credits, or while shooting certain weapons (or having robot masters shoot them at you). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4) The Story So Far: The Battles of Mega Man and Dr. Wily raged for many years, until age finally began to take its toll on Wily. In the final years of his life, Wily devoted all his time to constructing his most ingenious and horrifying creation ever... Having used his cherished TI-83+ calculator as the very core of his greatest masterpiece, Wily, with his last dying breath, dubbed his new successor: 'Titanic Iniquity', or 'TI' for short. Mega Man must now stop TI and his 8 new robot masters... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 5) Controlling Mega Man: Main controls: Move right or left: Press the right or left arrow keys. Jump: Press 2nd. Shoot: Press ALPHA. Go to the Sub Screen: Press Y=. Pause (and Unpause): Press ENTER. Exit the game: Press MODE. Sub Screen controls: Move cursor: Press the arrown keys in the desired direction. Use Energy Tank: Press 2nd. Select weapon: Press Enter. Exit the game: Press MODE. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 6) Gameplay: The object of each level is the make it all the way to the right side of the level. You will then pass through a short hall, then fight the robot master of that level. There are enemies and tricky jumps along the way, and you'll have to make sure you take the correct path when you have a choice. If you manage to kill the robot master at the end of the level, you'll receive his weeapon. When you defeat Freshman, you receive the Top Secret Weapon in addition to his weapon. You'll quickly learn that different weapons do different amounts of damage to different enemies, and learning which weapon to use on which robot masters is the key to your success. After defeating all 8 robot masters, you will be allowed to go to TI's level, where you meet up with Titanic Iniquity himself. If you destroy his spaceship, he'll throw enemies at you in a final futile attempt to survive. Defeat him and you've beaten the game. Then you get to watch the ending sequence and read the ending credits. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 7) Mega Man's Arsenal: As you blast TI's robot masters to smithereens, you will gain their special weapons and add them to your arsenal. You can view the various weapons you have collected by pressing the Y= button. This brings up the Sub Screen, which lists the weapons you have and how much energy remains for each of those weapons. *Note that when 2 dots of energy remain for a weapon, that means there is no energy left for that weapon.* The Sub Screen also shows how many lives you have as well as how many energy tanks you have. Using an energy tank refills all of your life energy, which is represented by the energy bar next to the 'P', which stands for 'Plasma Cannon', Mega Man's normal weapon that can be used infinitely. For information on the controls while at the Sub Screen, please see: 5) Controlling Mega Man. When you select the weapon you wish to shoot, you will be returned to the level armed with the weapon you chose. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 8) Special Items: 1-Up: These look like a front view of Mega Man's head. Snagging it will give Mega Man one more life. Energy Tank: These look like a block with the letter E written on it. Grabbing it gives you an Energy Tank, which can be used to refill your life energy when used at the Sub Screen. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 9) Using Your Password: As you reduce TI's robot masters into scrap metal, Mega Man will receive a secret password. Using a piece of paper and a pencil, copy the locations of the dots in the password grid. When you finish, place your password in a safe place. The next time you play Mega Man 83, you can continue from where you received your password. Here's how: (1) On the title screen, move the cursor next to 'PASSWORD' and press the ENTER key. (2) When the empty password grid appears, move the cursor to the location of the first dot and press the 2nd key to place the dot. (To erase the dot, press the 2nd key again.) (3) Once you have finished placing each of the dots in your password (there should be 10 of them), press the ENTER key. If the password is correct, the game will return to where you received the password. *Note: This is the first ASM game I know about that uses such a password system (or any password system at all).* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 10) Robot Masters and Other Enemies: Here is a chart to show you which mug shot goes with each robot master, and a brief description of that robot master. The numbers correspond to the location of the robot masters' mug shots. 123 456 789 (1) Anchorman - This guy looks like a giant anchor and throws anchors at you. His weapon is called the "Anchor Toss". (2) Mailman - This guy looks like a giant envelope and throws stamps at you. His weapon is called the "Stamp Throw". (3) Madman - This guy has a weird haircut and screams at you. His weapon is called the "Swearing Scream". (4) Doorman - This guy looks like a giant door and throws splinters at you. His weapon is called the "Splinter Shot". (5) Titanic Iniquity - He looks like the letter 'T' on top of the letter 'I'. He first attacks in his spaceship, shooting a giant laser at you that kills you instantly upon contact. If you defeat his spaceship, he falls to the ground and throws small enemies at you (see below). (6) Policeman - This guy looks like a cop and he throws his badge at you. His weapon is called the "Badge Boomerang". (7) Freshman - This guy looks like a strange kid and turns into a zit shield which hurts you if you are standing close to him. His weapon is called the "Zit shield". (8) Salesman - This guy looks like a giant dollar sign ($) with legs and he transforms into a ball of energy and charges across the screen at you. His weapon is called the "Bill Charge". (9) Milkman - This guy looks like a giant milk carton and thows bubbles at you. His weapon is called the "Milk Bubble". All robot masters (and TI's spaceship and TI himself) have 28 points of energy, as does Mega Man and each of his weapons. Small Enemies: 'T' enemy: Looks like the letter 'T' and moves left and right. It has 3 points of energy. 'I' enemy: Looks like the letter 'I' and moves up and down. It has 2 points of energy. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 11) Mega Hints: (1) Each robot master is vulnerable to a certain type of weapon. If a robot master seems hard to defeat using the plasma cannon, you may need to acquire a special weapon to defeat him. (2) The Top Secret Weapon's function is a secret, but I'll tell you this much: there are 5 conditions that must be met in order for you to be able to use it. (3) Special items reappear each time you die, so if you have lots of lives, you can amass many Energy Tanks this way. Keep in mind that the password system remembers how many Energy Tanks you have, but only up to 4, so if you have 5 or more energy tanks and you lose your last life, then enter the password you received later, you'll only have 4 Energy Tanks. This technique also comes in handy when there is an extra life nearby -- if you die, you can pick up the extra life again, and you won't be any worse off than you were. (4) Mega Man 83-ASM isn't meant to be very challenging -- it's just meant to be fun. I can only hope that you do find it enjoyable, as that was my only intention. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 12) Contacting the Programmer: If you find any bugs in Mega Man 83 or have any questions about it or just want to tell me what you think of the game, don't hasitate to contact me. Here are several methods by which you can reach me: e-mail: IRC: pmarks, XFreak86 on ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 13) Credits: (1) Programming: Dave Jaklitsch Paul Marks (porter) (2) Graphics: Dave Jaklitsch Eddie Gallagher ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ P.S. I took this documentation from the original MegaMan 83-ASM so that I wouldn't forget to put anything in. Thanks to Dave Jaklitsch for EVERYTHING related to this game :)