----------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTRODUCTION ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The simplest data type used by the TI-92 is the byte, followed by the word and the long integer. However, it is useful to define more complex data structures for more complex tasks. This text file describes some of the data structures used by the TI-92. This text file also describes some of the enumerated data types used by the TI-92. These are integers in which predefined values have specific meanings. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ENUMERATED DATA TYPES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- color ----- 0 = white on black 1 = black on black (!!!) 2 = white on black (??) 3 = gray on white 4 = black on white font ---- 0 = 5(d) point font 1 = 8(d) point font 2 = 10(d) point font ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DATA STRUCTURES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- point (4 bytes) --------------- 00.W x coordinate 02.W y coordinate rect (8 bytes) -------------- 00.W x1 = coordinate of left edge 02.W y1 = coordinate of top edge 04.W x2 = coordinate of right edge 06.W y2 = coordinate of bottom edge window (2A bytes) ----------------- 00.W flags 03 = border width 0= 2 pts, 1 =1 pt 05 = 0 store background 1 don't store background 06 = translate LF, FF, and CR 08 = draw border 10 = similar to 11 11 = check boundaries 12 = display title 02.B (font) text font 03.B (color) text color 04.B background color (0=white, 1=black) 05.B ??? 06.W ??? (from 57A4) 08.W cursor x coordinate from window 0A.W cursor y coordinate from window 10 (rect) border of window 14 (rect) usable area of window 18 (rect) border of window 1C (rect) inside of window (relative); top left = (0,0) 20.W handle of block where bitmap is stored 26.L pointer to window title