;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; exec(int handle) ; ; Function: Execute Fargo program ; ; Return: D1-D7/A0-A6 destroyed ; If the program was successfully executed, D0.W contains zero upon ; return. A nonzero value of D0.L indicates failure. The following ; specific values of D0.L indicate exactly how exec() failed. ; 1 = out of memory ; 2 = Fargo too old; program apparently requires a newer version of ; Fargo, as it uses reserved flags or header elements ; 3 = required library not found or invalid ; 4 = out-of-range library import; this probably means that the ; module is trying to use a later version of the library than ; the one that is present is memory ; 5 = file not executable; is a library, or doesn't have any exports ; 6 = program quit due to ER_throw ; 7 = incompatible Fargo version; program uses an obsolete format, ; and the kernel doesn't contain a compatibility module which ; handles the old format ; 8 = incompatible ROM version; only triggered when trying to run ; Fargo 0.1.x programs ; 9 = unrecognized file format ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- kernel::exec equ kernel@0000 EXEC_NO_MEM equ 1 EXEC_FARGO_TOO_OLD equ 2 EXEC_LIB_NOT_FOUND equ 3 EXEC_LIB_RANGE_ERR equ 4 EXEC_NOT_EXEC equ 5 EXEC_TIOS_ERROR equ 6 EXEC_INCOMPATIBLE equ 7 EXEC_INCOMPAT_ROM equ 8 EXEC_UNKNOWN_FORMAT equ 9