#include "./nSpireLTE/nSpireLTE.hpp" int main(int argc, char **argv) { KeyManager::Initialize(); TimeManager::Initialize(); Debugger::Initialize(); bool done = false; int Heure, Minute, Seconde; MouseManager::SetSensibility( 3 ); Debugger::Log( "Hello Dear Programmer\n" ); Debugger::TimerLog( "We will enter the Main Loop\n" ); Debugger::TimerLog( "and start logging the actions.\n" ); while (!done) { KeyManager::Logic(); MouseManager::Logic(); if (KeyManager::kbCTRL() && KeyManager::kbESC()) { done = true; Debugger::TimerLog( "CTRL+ESC pressed : ask for closure\n" ); } if (KeyManager::kb7_Press_Event()) { Debugger::TimerLog( "[7] pressed\n" ); } if (KeyManager::kb8_Press_Event()) { Debugger::TimerLog( "[8] pressed\n" ); } if (KeyManager::kb9_Press_Event()) { Debugger::TimerLog( "[9] pressed\n" ); } if (KeyManager::kb7_Release_Event()) { Debugger::TimerLog( "[7] released\n" ); } if (KeyManager::kb8_Release_Event()) { Debugger::TimerLog( "[8] released\n" ); } if (KeyManager::kb9_Release_Event()) { Debugger::TimerLog( "[9] released\n" ); } } Debugger::TimerLog( "We quit the Main Loop\n" ); Debugger::TimerLog( "and will return to the OS.\n" ); Debugger::Log( "Bye bye, and see you soon\n" ); KeyManager::Close(); TimeManager::Close(); Debugger::Close(); return 0; }