Opossum Massage Simulator For the HP Prime Version 1.01 (c) 2016-22 It RPG Is! DESCRIPTION Opossums are said to have good alien repelling capabilities, but to be able to do so they must be happy. On the eve of an alien invasion, you are thus sent the unholy task of massaging an opossum to send them back into space! This version was censored. An uncensored version is available on TI-Planet. INSTALLING 1) Send OpossumMassageSimulator.hpprgm to your HP Prime calculator. GAMEPLAY During the game, there is a mood meter at the top of the screen. Not massaging the opossum causes that meter to go down and massaging him causes it to go up. The goal is to prevent it from going too low or too high, else it's game over. The speed at which the meter goes down and up depends of the opossum's mood, which is randomly set at the game start, but also your score. Press any key to skip intro screens and clear to quit the game. Hold down the 2nd key to massage the opossum and release it to stop massaging him. DISCLAIMERS -I will not be held responsible for any damage caused by this software, even if it causes cancer. -Special thanks to Gameblabla for providing new ideas for this game -No walruses nor opossums were harmed during the making of this game.