Introduction -------------------- CEaShell (pronounced like "Seashell") is a new shell for the TI-84 Plus CE. It aims to provide a modern, sleek, and easy to use UI, which is understandable by any user regardless of previous experience or calculator-related knowledge. To get help, suggest a feature, or report a bug, join the discord! Features -------------------- * Customizable color themes, including preset themes and the ability to create fully custom themes. * Four scales for displaying files in the shell, allowing for viewing up to 18 files at once. * Program and app running. * Viewing and modifying of file information. (Archiving / unarchiving, hiding / unhiding, locking / unlocking, renaming, deleting, editing) * Integration with HexaEdit ( to open files in hex editor, if the user has HexaEdit installed on their calculator. * Creating and copying of programs and AppVars. * Turning off the calculator while in the shell, and returning to the shell after turning the calculator back on. * View icons, descriptions, and file size in the TI-OS [apps] and [prgm] menus. * Shortcuts in TI-OS to launch the shell, invert OS colors, trigger APD, and jump to labels in the TI-OS program editor. * Custom shortcuts to launch programs and apps. * Enable editing of archived programs in TI-OS. * Allow editing of locked programs in CEaShell. * Fast alpha scrolling in the TI-OS editor. * Ability to hide the "Programming" menu on Python calculators, skipping directly to a TI-BASIC menu like non-Python calcs. * Disable the busy indicator when running TI-BASIC programs through CEaShell. * Enable lowercase in TI-OS. Installation -------------------- 1. Download the latest version of CEaShell from the GitHub releases page: OR clone and build CEaShell, following the instructions under "Building CEaShell". 2. Send CEASHELL.8xp and AppInstA.8xv to your calculator using TI-Connect CE or TiLP. If you don't have the CE C libraries (, you'll need to download and send those as well. 3. Run prgmCEASHELL from the programs menu. You will need to use the arTIfiCE jailbreak ( if you are on an OS version 5.5 and above. 4. CEaShell will be installed in the apps menu. Uninstalling -------------------- 1. Open the memory management menu by pressing [2nd], [+], [2]. 2. Scroll down until you find an option "Apps". 3. Press [enter] and then find CEaShell. 4. Press [del] and then press [2]. 5. Exit the memory management menu by pressing [clear]. Navigation -------------------- Below is a table with keys and their various usage in CEaShell: +---------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+ | Key | Action performed | +---------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+ | [2nd] / [enter] | Run programs, toggle/select items in menus. | | [↑], [↓], [←], [→] | Scroll through options or menus. | | [y=] | Open/exit customization menu. | | [graph] | Open/exit settings menu. | | [alpha] / [window] / [zoom] / [trace] | View and modify file properites. | | [del] | Delete currently selected file. | | [mode] | Create a new file or copy the currently selected one. | | [vars] | Quickly open the currently selected file in the TI-OS | | | editor, if the file can be edited. | | [clear] | Exit CEaShell or return to the previous menu. To exit | | | CEaShell from anywhere in the shell, press and hold. | | [a] - [z], [θ] | Jump to the program beginning with the letter pressed. | | [on] | Turn off the calculator while remaining in the shell. | | [stat] | Search for a file. For example, searching "ABC" will list | | | all files beginning with "ABC" in the current directory. | +---------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+ Creating custom themes -------------------- 1. To create a custom theme, first open the customization menu using [y=]. 2. Scroll and find "Custom theme", then press [2nd] or [enter] to open the theme creator. 3. While in the theme creator, use the [mode] button to toggle which UI element's color is being modified. Move the color selector using the [↑], [↓], [←], or [→] keys. 4. When you are satisfied with your color choices, press either [2nd] or [enter] to save the changes. If you wish to exit the theme picker without saving your changes, press [clear] instead. Shortcuts -------------------- If the option "[on] Shortcuts" is enabled in CEaShell, the follow key combinations will preform specific utilities in the OS: +------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Key combination | Action performed | +------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | [on] + [prgm] | Launch CEaShell. | | [on] + [sto →] | Invert OS colors ("Dark mode"). | | [on] + [ln] | Un-invert OS colors. | | [on] + [stat] | Turn off the calculator, and preserve where you were in the OS. | | [on] + [graph] | Jump to a program label in the OS program editor. | | [on] + [0] - [9] | Launch the program or app assigned to the number key pressed. Files can be assigned | | | a number in the info menu, by selecting the option with [2nd] and assigning a | | | number. | +------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Building CEaShell -------------------- To build CEaShell, you will need to install the latest version of the CE C toolchain ( Instructions to install the toolchain can be found here: You will also need to use the latest version of convimg: 1. Clone CEaShell with the app_tools submodule by running `git clone --recurse-submodules` 2. If you are using an OS that uses `python3` insead of `python`, open app_tools/makefile and change `PYTHON_VER := python` to `PYTHON_VER := python3`. 3. If you would like to build the French version of CEaShell, open CEaShell's makefile (not the app_tools one) and change `LANGUAGE = EN` to `LANGUAGE = FR`. 4. In a command line, `cd` into the cloned repository, and run `make gfx`. 5. Once complete, run `make`. The compiled binaries will be in the newly created bin directory. Bugs -------------------- If you encounter a bug while using CEaShell, don't hesitate to make an issue or report it on the Discord server ( Feel free to request features or ask for help on the discord or in the Cemetech topic ( as well! Translation -------------------- CEaShell has also been translated to French by Shadow ( Credits -------------------- A more detailed credits can be found in CEaShell. app_tools is created by commandblockguy (, and some of the assembly was written by MateoConLechuga ( © 2022 - 2024 RoccoLox Programs and TIny_Hacker