This program used to be part of zStart, but apparently, not everyone who uses this app is studying Chemical Engineering... The best way to use this app with zStart is to have zStart use its "Parser hook chain" to run zChem. Steps to install the "Parser Hook Chain" for zChem. 1. Run zChem 2. Go into zStart>Next>Program Settings>Parser Hook Chain and press enter 3. If all went well, quit At this point, zChem will work just like the way you remembered it If you don't remember how zChem used to work: zChem converts a chemical formula into it's molar mass. The syntax is pretty simple, just use ? to denote the beginning and end of the name. So: ?CuSO4? = 159.61, ?Fe3(PO4)2? = 357.49 The ? act like quotes actually, so stuff like ?Ca is legal. Also, if you type something that isn't an element, it will give you a clever error message and point to the spot.