// Crystann - GPL License - Xavier "critor" Andréani - TI-Planet.org #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "CE.h" #define min(a,b) (((a)<(b))?(a):(b)) #define max(a,b) (((a)>(b))?(a):(b)) #define dist(a,b) (max(a,b)-min(a,b)) #define rgb2color(r, g, b) ((uint16_t)(((r << 8) & 0xf800) | ((g << 3) & 0x07e0) | (b >> 3))) #define printRess() printSmall8bpp(uitoa(pers[0].ress, textbuffer, 3), 6*TILE_SIZE+8, ystatus1) #define printDiam() printSmall8bpp(uitoa(pers[0].diam, textbuffer, 3), 6*TILE_SIZE+8, ystatus2) #define printScore() printSmall8bpp(uitoa(score, textbuffer, 4), 50, ystatus2) #define printLife() printSmall8bpp(uitoa(pers[0].force, textbuffer, 3), 50, ystatus1) /* Put your structures here */ typedef struct { uint8_t x; uint8_t xold; uint8_t y; uint8_t yold; uint8_t rx; uint8_t ry; uint8_t ress; uint8_t diam; uint8_t jumps; uint8_t force; uint8_t status; uint8_t idtile; uint8_t idtileold; uint8_t idtilep; } pers_t; /* Put all (ALL except main) the functions prototypes here */ void printSmall8bpp(const char* string, uint16_t x, uint8_t y); void cleanUp(); void reverse(char* s); char* uitoa(uint24_t n, char* s, uint8_t zeropad_len); void gc_drawTile(uint8_t* data, uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint8_t w, uint8_t h); void gc_drawTileTrsp(uint8_t* data, uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint8_t w, uint8_t h); uint8_t* decompTile(uint8_t* data_out, uint8_t* data_in); uint8_t* decompMap(uint8_t* data_out, uint8_t* data_in, uint8_t retmode); void setAutoCanvas(); void initPalette(); void* myMalloc(size_t size); void myFreeLast(); void initTiles1(uint8_t** tiles); void initTiles2(uint8_t** tiles); void initTilesP(uint8_t** tilesp); uint8_t* initMap(); uint8_t* initEndRoom(); void nopwait(uint16_t n); uint8_t isKeyPressed(uint16_t key); void scanKeys(); void addCleared(uint8_t x, uint8_t y); void delayCleared(uint8_t x, uint8_t y); uint16_t updCleared(uint16_t i); void setTile(uint8_t* ptr, uint8_t val); void resetP(uint8_t i, uint8_t x, uint8_t y); void lightRoom(uint8_t x, uint8_t y); void updSpirale(); uint8_t canGo(uint8_t p, uint8_t t, uint8_t x, uint8_t y); void move(uint8_t p, uint8_t x0, uint8_t y0); void myMain(); #define canHang(p,t) (t==6 && !p || t==5 || t==16) #define encodeCoords(x, y) ((((uint32_t)(y))<<16)|(x)) #define getMapTilePtr(x, y) (map+(y)*MAP_WIDTH+(x)) #define getTile(val) ((val)&0x7F) /* Put all your globals etc. below */ #define MAXLIFE 100 #define X_START 38 #define Y_START 20 #define WAIT_DELAY1 5000 #define WAIT_DELAY2 2000 #define CLEAR_DELAY 31 #define MAXPERS 0x3 #define NTILES 61 #define NTILESP 21 #define SCR_WIDTH 320 #define SCR_HEIGHT 240 #define ROOM_WIDTH 15 #define ROOM_HEIGHT 12 #define BACKCOL_ID 6 #define MAP_WIDTH 150 #define MAP_HEIGHT 72 #define MAP_SIZE (MAP_WIDTH*MAP_HEIGHT) #define MAP_RWIDTH (MAP_WIDTH/ROOM_WIDTH) #define MAP_RHEIGHT (MAP_HEIGHT/ROOM_HEIGHT) #define TILE_SIZE 16 #define SCR_COLS SCR_WIDTH/16 #define SCR_LINES (SCR_HEIGHT/16-1) #define STXT_HEIGHT 8 #define IS_FALLING 1 #define HASFIOLE 4 #define HASBOUEE 8 #define HASLAMPE 16 #define HASCLEF 32 #define HASPARCH 64 #define HASSTATUE 128 // key format : 2 bytes : keys group last addr byte + read mask #define KEY_2ND 0x1220 #define KEY_MODE 0x1240 #define KEY_DEL 0x1280 #define KEY_ALPHA 0x1480 #define KEY_PLUS 0x1C02 #define KEY_MINUS 0x1C04 #define KEY_CLEAR 0x1C40 #define KEY_DOWN 0x1E01 #define KEY_LEFT 0x1E02 #define KEY_RIGHT 0x1E04 #define KEY_UP 0x1E08 // Global non-pointers variables (DON'T FORGET TO INITIALIZE THEM) uint16_t ncleared = 0; uint16_t score = 0; uint16_t xold=MAP_WIDTH, yold=0; uint16_t x=0, y=0; uint8_t ystatus1 = SCR_HEIGHT-2*STXT_HEIGHT, ystatus2 = SCR_HEIGHT-STXT_HEIGHT, ystatus3=SCR_HEIGHT-3*STXT_HEIGHT/2; uint8_t sx=0, sy=0; uint8_t* brightness = (uint8_t*)0xF60024; uint8_t minBrightness = 229; // Do NOT set higher, may damage the hardware. uint8_t maxBrightness = 49; // Do NOT set lower, may damage the hardware. uint8_t userBrightness = 100; // will get overwritten // Global arrays (DON'T FORGET TO INITIALIZE THEM) uint8_t reachable[NTILES] = {1,0,0,0,0,1,1,0 ,0 ,0 ,1 ,1 ,0 ,1 ,1 ,0 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,1 ,1 ,0 ,0 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,0 ,0,0 ,0,0 ,0 ,0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0}; uint8_t nextanim[NTILES] = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,37,39,41,10,11,12,36,14,15,16,44,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,46,48,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,13,38,7,40,8,42,43,9,45,17,47,26,49,27,51,52,53,54,0,55,56,57,58,59}; //pers_t pers[MAXPERS] = {{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}}; pers_t* pers = {0}; uint32_t* cleared = {0}; uint8_t* spirale = {0}; uint8_t* light = {0}; uint8_t* screentiles = {0}; uint8_t* map = {0}; char textbuffer[5] = {0}; // Pointers uint16_t* palette = (uint16_t*)0xE30200; static const uint8_t* screen_buf = (uint8_t*)0xD40000; static const uint8_t* offscreen_ptr = (uint8_t*)0xD52C00; // vram "back buffer" (free to use when LCD is in 8bpp) 76.8k static const uint8_t* safeRAM_orig_ptr = (uint8_t*)0xD07396; // 52.290k uint8_t* safeRAM_ptr = (uint8_t*)0xD07396; // safeRAM_orig_ptr uint16_t safeRAM_free = 52290; // D07396h: cmdPixelShadow (8400 b) + D09466h: plotSScreen (21945 b) + D0EA1Fh: saveSScreen (21945 b) uint8_t* safeRAM_ptr_old = (uint8_t*)0xD07396; /* Put all your code here, with main() first */ void main() { asm("PUSH IY"); asm("CALL _RunIndicOff"); myMain(); asm("POP IY"); cleanUp(); } void myMain() { uint16_t i=0, i2=0, j=0, j2=0; uint8_t t=0, tbot=0, t2=0, t3=0, k=0, x0=0, y0=0, k2=0; uint8_t *pct=0, *pcr=0; int key = 0; uint8_t* tiles[NTILES] = {0}; uint8_t* tilesp[NTILESP] = {0}; pers=(pers_t*)myMalloc(MAXPERS*sizeof(pers_t)); asm("di"); asm("xor a,a"); asm("ld (kbdGetKy),a"); // flush keys userBrightness = *brightness; asm("CALL _ClrScrn"); // 320x240 8bpp initPalette(); memset(screen_buf, 0, SCR_HEIGHT*SCR_WIDTH*2); *brightness = minBrightness; asm("LD A,27h"); asm("LD (E30018h),A"); memset(screen_buf, 0, SCR_HEIGHT*SCR_WIDTH); *brightness = userBrightness; map = initMap(); screentiles = myMalloc(SCR_COLS*SCR_LINES); initTilesP(tilesp); initTiles1(tiles); initTiles2(tiles); memset(screen_buf+(SCR_HEIGHT-TILE_SIZE)*SCR_WIDTH, 17, TILE_SIZE*SCR_WIDTH); cleared = myMalloc(SCR_COLS*SCR_LINES*4); spirale = myMalloc(MAP_RWIDTH*MAP_RHEIGHT); light = myMalloc(MAP_RWIDTH*MAP_RHEIGHT); memset(spirale,0xFF,MAP_RWIDTH*MAP_RHEIGHT); memset(light,0,MAP_RWIDTH*MAP_RHEIGHT); pct=map; for(j=0;j",11*TILE_SIZE+6,ystatus1); printSmall8bpp("] clear wall",15*TILE_SIZE,ystatus1); printSmall8bpp("[2nd]+[ ^",11*TILE_SIZE+6,ystatus2); printSmall8bpp("] big jump",15*TILE_SIZE,ystatus2); pers[0].status=0; pers[0].ress=0; pers[0].diam=0; pers[0].x=0; pers[0].y=0; for(i=0;i0) pers[i].force=0; } printRess(); printDiam(); lightRoom(pers[0].rx,pers[0].ry); setAutoCanvas(); asm("ei"); scanKeys(); while (!isKeyPressed(KEY_MODE)) { pcr=screentiles; pct = getMapTilePtr(x,y); for (j=0,j2=y;j=MAP_WIDTH || *pcr!=t || t3)) { gc_drawTile(tiles[t], i*TILE_SIZE, j*TILE_SIZE, TILE_SIZE, TILE_SIZE); *pcr = t; } pct++; pcr++; } pct+=MAP_WIDTH-SCR_COLS; } for (k=0;k>8; t2=1; for(t=0;t=55 && t<=58) t++; else { t=12; if(k==ncleared-1) ncleared--; } map[j*MAP_WIDTH+i]=t; } } } xold = x; yold = y; x0=pers[0].xold; y0=pers[0].yold; for(k=MAXPERS-1;k=MAP_HEIGHT) { if(!k) { pers[0].y=pers[0].yold; if(score>MAXLIFE) score-=MAXLIFE; else score=0; printScore(); resetP(0,X_START,Y_START); } else if(sypers[k].yold) pers[k].jumps=0; pct=getMapTilePtr(pers[k].x,pers[k].y); if(!canGo(k,getTile(*pct),pers[k].x,pers[k].y) || pers[k].y=21 && t<=23) || (t>=28 && t<=30))) { if(t==11) { pers[0].ress+=2; printRess(); } else if(t==10) { pers[0].diam++; if(pers[0].diam==105) *getMapTilePtr(2*ROOM_WIDTH+7,ROOM_HEIGHT+4)=30; printDiam(); } else if(t==18) { pers[0].status|=HASFIOLE; gc_drawTileTrsp(tiles[t],9*TILE_SIZE+4,SCR_LINES*TILE_SIZE,TILE_SIZE,TILE_SIZE); } else if(t==22) { pers[0].status|=HASLAMPE; gc_drawTileTrsp(tiles[t],12*TILE_SIZE+4,SCR_LINES*TILE_SIZE,TILE_SIZE,TILE_SIZE); } else if(t==23) { pers[0].status|=HASBOUEE; gc_drawTileTrsp(tiles[t],10*TILE_SIZE+4,SCR_LINES*TILE_SIZE,TILE_SIZE,TILE_SIZE); } else if(t==28) { pers[0].status|=HASCLEF; gc_drawTileTrsp(tiles[t],11*TILE_SIZE+4,SCR_LINES*TILE_SIZE,TILE_SIZE,TILE_SIZE); } else if(t==29) { pers[0].status|=HASSTATUE; gc_drawTileTrsp(tiles[t],14*TILE_SIZE+4,SCR_LINES*TILE_SIZE,TILE_SIZE,TILE_SIZE); } else if(t==30) { pers[0].status|=HASPARCH; gc_drawTileTrsp(tiles[t],13*TILE_SIZE+4,SCR_LINES*TILE_SIZE,TILE_SIZE,TILE_SIZE); *getMapTilePtr(9*ROOM_WIDTH,3*ROOM_HEIGHT+3)=0; } score+=20; printScore(); *pct=0; } } } t=pers[k].idtile; tbot=(pers[k].y=37 && tbot<=40 || tbot==8 || tbot==16 && !(pers[k].status&HASBOUEE)) && !pers[k].jumps && !canHang(k,t)))) { pers[k].force=0; if(!k) printLife(); } if(!k) { if(!pers[0].force) pers[0].idtilep=(pers[0].idtilep!=16)?16:17; else if(pers[0].xpers[0].xold && t!=5 && t!=16) { if(t==6) pers[0].idtilep=(pers[0].idtilep!=11)?11:12; else pers[0].idtilep=(pers[0].idtilep!=4)?4:5; } else if(t==6 && (pers[0].idtilep<8 || pers[0].idtilep>12)) pers[0].idtilep=8; else if(t==5 && (pers[0].x!=pers[0].xold || pers[0].y!=pers[0].yold)) pers[0].idtilep=(pers[0].idtilep!=6)?6:7; else if(t==16) pers[0].idtilep=(pers[0].idtilep!=13)?13:14; else if(pers[0].status&IS_FALLING && t!=5 && t!=6 && t!=16) pers[0].idtilep=15; else if(t!=6 && t!=5 && t!=16) pers[0].idtilep=(pers[0].idtilep)?0:1; } else { if(pers[k].idtilep==18 || pers[k].idtilep==19) pers[k].idtilep++; else pers[k].idtilep=18; } } setAutoCanvas(); nopwait(WAIT_DELAY1); if(x==xold && y==yold) nopwait(WAIT_DELAY2); } } void move(uint8_t p, uint8_t x0, uint8_t y0) { uint8_t y=pers[0].y; if(!pers[p].force) { if(!p) pers[0].y--; else pers[p].y=MAP_HEIGHT; } else if(pers[p].status&IS_FALLING) pers[p].y++; else if(!p) { pers[0].x = pers[0].x + isKeyPressed(KEY_RIGHT) - isKeyPressed(KEY_LEFT); pers[0].y = pers[0].y + isKeyPressed(KEY_DOWN) - isKeyPressed(KEY_UP); } else if(syy0 && canGo(p,*getMapTilePtr(pers[p].x,pers[p].y-1),pers[p].x,pers[p].y-1)) pers[p].y--; else if(pers[p].yx0 && canGo(p,*getMapTilePtr(pers[p].x-1,pers[p].y),pers[p].x-1,pers[p].y)) pers[p].x--; else if(pers[p].xy0) pers[p].y--; pers[0].y=y; } } uint8_t canGo(uint8_t p, uint8_t t, uint8_t x, uint8_t y) { uint8_t r=(((t==21) && (pers[p].status&HASCLEF)) || reachable[t]); uint8_t k=0; for(k=0;r && k>4; if(sy>=ROOM_HEIGHT) sy=MAP_HEIGHT; else { sx+=pers[0].rx*ROOM_WIDTH; sy+=pers[0].ry*ROOM_HEIGHT; } } void lightRoom(uint8_t x,uint8_t y) { uint8_t x0=x*ROOM_WIDTH; uint8_t y0=y*ROOM_HEIGHT; uint8_t i=0,j=0; uint8_t* ptr=0; ptr=getMapTilePtr(x0,y0); for(j=0;j0;i--) cleared[i]=cleared[i-1]; ncleared++; cleared[0]=val; } void delayCleared(uint8_t x, uint8_t y) { uint32_t val = (0<<15) | (((uint32_t)y)<<8) | ((uint32_t)x); uint8_t i=0; for (i=ncleared;i>0;i--) cleared[i]=cleared[i-1]; ncleared++; cleared[0]=val; } uint16_t updCleared(uint16_t i) { uint32_t n = cleared[i]>>15; if (n>0) { n--; cleared[i] = (cleared[i]&0x7FFF) | (n<<15); } return n; } void nopwait(uint16_t n) { while(n) { asm("nop"); // small delay n--; } } uint8_t* decompMap(uint8_t* data_out, uint8_t* data_in, uint8_t retmode) { uint8_t n, id; while (*data_in) { n = (*data_in)>>5; id = ((*data_in)%32)|0x80; memset(data_out, id, n); data_out += n; data_in++; } return retmode?(data_in+1):data_out; } uint8_t* initEndRoom() { uint8_t map_C[] = { 225,225,33,0, 225,225,33,0, 161,34,64,68,35,129,0, 97,34,36,192,36,97,0, 65,34,224,64,35,65,0, 65,224,128,65,0, 65,39,224,64,40,65,0, 65,224,128,65,0, 65,224,128,65,0, 65,70,225,129,0, 65,64,129,191,65,0, 97,47,225,129,0, }; uint8_t* ptr_in = map_C, i=0; for(i=0; i 0); /* delete it */ for(; i size) { safeRAM_ptr_old = safeRAM_ptr; safeRAM_ptr += size; safeRAM_free -= size; return safeRAM_ptr-size; } else { cleanUp(); printSmall8bpp("No RAM left... :(", 0, 0); asm("jp _RestoreStackAndExit"); // Force quit program return 0; } } void myFreeLast() { safeRAM_free += safeRAM_ptr - safeRAM_ptr_old; safeRAM_ptr = safeRAM_ptr_old; } void initPalette() { palette[0] = rgb2color(0, 0, 0); // noir palette[1] = rgb2color(255, 0, 0); // rouge palette[2] = rgb2color(0, 255, 0); // vert palette[3] = rgb2color(255, 255, 0); // jaune palette[4] = rgb2color(0, 0, 255); // bleu palette[5] = rgb2color(255, 0, 255); // rose palette[6] = rgb2color(0, 255, 255); // cyan palette[7] = rgb2color(255, 255, 255); // blanc palette[8] = rgb2color(160, 160, 160); // gris palette[9] = rgb2color(255, 160, 160); // rouge clair palette[10] = rgb2color(160, 255, 160); // vert clair palette[11] = rgb2color(255, 255, 160); // jaune clair palette[12] = rgb2color(64, 64, 255); // bleu clair palette[13] = rgb2color(255, 160, 255); // rose clair palette[14] = rgb2color(96, 255, 255); // cyan clair palette[15] = rgb2color(255, 160, 40); // orange palette[16] = rgb2color(32, 192, 224); palette[17] = rgb2color(128, 128, 128); } void setAutoCanvas() { uint8_t x0=pers[0].x - SCR_COLS/2; uint8_t y0=pers[0].y - SCR_LINES/2, t=0; if(pers[0].force && pers[0].yx0 || x0>=MAP_WIDTH) x--; else if(xy0 || y0>=MAP_HEIGHT) y--; else if(y=MAP_WIDTH-SCR_COLS+1) x = xold; if (y>=MAP_HEIGHT-SCR_LINES+1) y = yold; } uint8_t* decompTile(uint8_t* data_out, uint8_t* data_in) { uint8_t n=0, colid=0; while (*data_in>0) { n = *data_in >> 4; colid = *data_in%16; memset(data_out, colid, n); data_out += n; data_in++; } return data_in+1; } void gc_drawTile(uint8_t* data, uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint8_t w, uint8_t h) { uint8_t* ptr_out = screen_buf; uint8_t* ptr_in = data; ptr_out += y*SCR_WIDTH + x; while (h>0) { memcpy(ptr_out, ptr_in, w); ptr_out += SCR_WIDTH; ptr_in += w; h--; } } void gc_drawTileTrsp(uint8_t* data, uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint8_t w, uint8_t h) { uint8_t* ptr_out = screen_buf; uint8_t* buffer = myMalloc(w*h); uint8_t* ptr_in = buffer; uint8_t i=0,j=0; memcpy(buffer,data,w*h); ptr_out += y*SCR_WIDTH + x; for(j=0;j0) { memcpy(ptr_out, ptr_in, w); ptr_out += SCR_WIDTH; ptr_in += w; h--; } myFreeLast(); } void cleanUp() { asm("ld hl,0F50000h"); asm("xor a"); // keypad idle mode asm("ld (hl),a"); // Back to 320x240 16bpp asm("LD A,2Dh"); asm("LD (E30018h),A"); asm("CALL _DelRes"); asm("CALL _ClrTxtShd"); asm("CALL _ClrScrn"); asm("SET 0,(iy+3)"); // mark graph as dirty asm("CALL _HomeUp"); asm("CALL _DrawStatusBar"); asm("CALL _RunIndicOn"); asm("ei"); } // No need to call, it's just to have the code get assembled. // Pieces of code from MateoConLechuga's things here and there void textRoutines() { // Some required equates asm("posX equ D052C6h"); asm("posY equ D052C9h"); asm("_cphlde equ 02013Ch"); asm("vbuf1 equ D40000h"); asm("vbuf2 equ D52C00h"); asm("drawStringSmall:"); asm(" ld a,(hl)"); asm(" or a"); asm(" ret z"); asm(" call DrawChar"); asm(" push hl"); asm(" ld de,320-10"); asm(" ld hl,(posX)"); asm(" call _cphlde"); asm(" pop hl"); asm(" ret nc"); asm(" inc hl"); asm(" jr drawStringSmall"); asm("drawStringLarge:"); asm(" ld a,(hl)"); asm(" or a"); asm(" ret z"); asm(" call DrawBigChar"); asm(" push hl"); asm(" ld de,320-10"); asm(" ld hl,(posX)"); asm(" call _cphlde"); asm(" pop hl"); asm(" ret nc"); asm(" inc hl"); asm(" jr drawStringLarge"); asm("DrawBigChar:"); asm(" ld bc,(posX)"); asm(" push hl"); asm(" push af"); asm(" push de"); asm(" push bc"); asm(" push af"); asm(" ld a,(posY)"); asm(" push bc ; Save X"); asm(" call compute8bpp"); asm(" pop de ; de = Y"); asm(" add hl,de ; Add X"); asm(" pop af"); asm(" push hl"); asm(" or a"); asm(" sbc hl,hl"); asm(" ld l,a"); asm(" add hl,hl"); asm(" add hl,hl"); asm(" add hl,hl"); asm(" ex de,hl"); asm(" ld hl,Char000"); asm(" add hl,de ; hl -> Correct Character"); asm(" pop de ; de -> correct place to draw"); asm(" ld b,8"); asm("_iloop2:"); asm(" push bc"); asm(" ld c,(hl)"); asm(" ld b,8"); asm(" ex de,hl"); asm(" push de"); asm(" push hl"); asm(" ld de,(ForeColor)"); asm("_i2loop2:"); asm(" ld a,d"); asm(" rlc c"); asm(" jr nc,+_heh1"); asm(" ld a,e"); asm("_heh1:"); asm(" ld (hl),a"); asm(" inc hl"); asm(" ld (hl),a"); asm(" inc hl"); asm(" djnz _i2loop2"); asm(" ld bc,320-16"); asm(" add hl,bc ; next line"); asm(" ex de,hl"); asm(" pop hl"); asm(" ld bc,16"); asm(" ldir"); asm(" ex de,hl"); asm(" ld bc,320-16"); asm(" add hl,bc ; next line"); asm(" pop de"); asm(" ex de,hl"); asm(" inc hl"); asm(" pop bc"); asm(" djnz _iloop2"); asm(" pop bc"); asm(" pop de"); asm(" pop af ; character"); asm(" cp 128"); asm(" jr c,+_heh2"); asm(" xor a"); asm("_heh2:"); asm(" ld hl,CharSpacing"); asm(" call _AddHLAndA"); asm(" ld a,(hl) ; A holds the amount to increment per character"); asm(" add a,a"); asm(" jp AddToPosistion"); asm("DrawChar:"); asm(" ld bc,(posX)"); asm(" push hl"); asm(" push af"); asm(" push de"); asm(" push bc"); asm(" push af"); asm(" ld a,(posY)"); asm(" push bc ; Save X"); asm(" call compute8bpp"); asm(" pop de ; de = Y"); asm(" add hl,de ; Add X"); asm(" pop af"); asm(" push hl"); asm(" or a"); asm(" sbc hl,hl"); asm(" ld l,a"); asm(" add hl,hl"); asm(" add hl,hl"); asm(" add hl,hl"); asm(" ex de,hl"); asm(" ld hl,Char000"); asm(" add hl,de ; hl -> Correct Character"); asm(" pop de ; de -> correct place to draw"); asm(" ld b,8"); asm("_iloop:"); asm(" push bc"); asm(" ld c,(hl)"); asm(" ld b,8"); asm(" ex de,hl"); asm(" push de"); asm(" ld de,(ForeColor)"); asm("_i2loop:"); asm(" ld (hl),d"); asm(" rlc c"); asm(" jr nc,+_heh3"); asm(" ld (hl),e"); asm("_heh3:"); asm(" inc hl"); asm(" djnz _i2loop"); asm(" ld (hl),d"); asm("NextL:"); asm(" ld bc,320-8"); asm(" add hl,bc"); asm(" pop de"); asm(" ex de,hl"); asm(" inc hl"); asm(" pop bc"); asm(" djnz _iloop"); asm(" pop bc"); asm(" pop de"); asm(" pop af ; character"); asm(" cp 128"); asm(" jr c,+_"); asm(" xor a"); asm("_:"); asm(" ld hl,CharSpacing"); asm(" call _AddHLAndA"); asm(" ld a,(hl) ; A holds the amount to increment per character"); asm("AddToPosistion:"); asm(" or a,a"); asm(" sbc hl,hl"); asm(" ld l,a"); asm(" add hl,bc"); asm(" push hl"); asm(" pop bc"); asm(" inc bc"); asm(" ld (posX),bc"); asm(" pop hl"); asm(" ret"); asm("ForeColor:"); asm(" DB 7"); asm("BackColor:"); asm(" DB 17"); asm("compute8bpp:"); asm(" ld de,320"); asm(" call 000348h ; MultDEA"); //asm(" ld de,vbuf2"); // off screen (vram + 320x240) asm(" ld de,vbuf1"); // direct screen (vram) asm(" add hl,de"); asm(" ret"); asm("CharSpacing:"); asm("; 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E,F"); asm(" DB 8,8,8,7,7,7,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,1,8,8"); asm(" DB 7,7,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8"); asm(" DB 2,3,5,7,7,7,7,4,4,4,8,6,3,6,2,7"); asm(" DB 7,6,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,2,3,5,6,5,6"); asm(" DB 7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7"); asm(" DB 7,7,7,7,8,7,7,7,7,7,7,4,7,4,7,8"); asm(" DB 3,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,4,7,7,4,7,7,7"); asm(" DB 7,7,7,7,6,7,7,7,7,7,7,6,2,6,7,7"); asm(" DB 7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7"); asm("Char000: DB 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0"); asm("Char001: DB 7Eh,81h,A5h,81h,BDh,BDh,81h,7Eh"); asm("Char002: DB 7Eh,FFh,DBh,FFh,C3h,C3h,FFh,7Eh"); asm("Char003: DB 6Ch,FEh,FEh,FEh,7Ch,38h,10h,00h"); asm("Char004: DB 10h,38h,7Ch,FEh,7Ch,38h,10h,00h"); asm("Char005: DB 38h,7Ch,38h,FEh,FEh,10h,10h,7Ch"); asm("Char006: DB 00h,18h,3Ch,7Eh,FFh,7Eh,18h,7Eh"); asm("Char007: DB 00h,00h,18h,3Ch,3Ch,18h,00h,00h"); asm("Char008: DB FFh,FFh,E7h,C3h,C3h,E7h,FFh,FFh"); asm("Char009: DB 00h,3Ch,66h,42h,42h,66h,3Ch,00h"); asm("Char010: DB FFh,C3h,99h,BDh,BDh,99h,C3h,FFh"); asm("Char011: DB 0Fh,07h,0Fh,7Dh,CCh,CCh,CCh,78h"); asm("Char012: DB 3Ch,66h,66h,66h,3Ch,18h,7Eh,18h"); asm("Char013: DB 3Fh,33h,3Fh,30h,30h,70h,F0h,E0h"); asm("Char014: DB 7Fh,63h,7Fh,63h,63h,67h,E6h,C0h"); asm("Char015: DB 99h,5Ah,3Ch,E7h,E7h,3Ch,5Ah,99h"); asm("Char016: DB 80h,E0h,F8h,FEh,F8h,E0h,80h,00h"); asm("Char017: DB 02h,0Eh,3Eh,FEh,3Eh,0Eh,02h,00h"); asm("Char018: DB 18h,3Ch,7Eh,18h,18h,7Eh,3Ch,18h"); asm("Char019: DB 66h,66h,66h,66h,66h,00h,66h,00h"); asm("Char020: DB 7Fh,DBh,DBh,7Bh,1Bh,1Bh,1Bh,00h"); asm("Char021: DB 3Fh,60h,7Ch,66h,66h,3Eh,06h,FCh"); asm("Char022: DB 00h,00h,00h,00h,7Eh,7Eh,7Eh,00h"); asm("Char023: DB 18h,3Ch,7Eh,18h,7Eh,3Ch,18h,FFh"); asm("Char024: DB 18h,3Ch,7Eh,18h,18h,18h,18h,00h"); asm("Char025: DB 18h,18h,18h,18h,7Eh,3Ch,18h,00h"); asm("Char026: DB 00h,18h,0Ch,FEh,0Ch,18h,00h,00h"); asm("Char027: DB 00h,30h,60h,FEh,60h,30h,00h,00h"); asm("Char028: DB 00h,00h,C0h,C0h,C0h,FEh,00h,00h"); asm("Char029: DB 00h,24h,66h,FFh,66h,24h,00h,00h"); asm("Char030: DB 00h,18h,3Ch,7Eh,FFh,FFh,00h,00h"); asm("Char031: DB 00h,FFh,FFh,7Eh,3Ch,18h,00h,00h"); asm("Char032: DB 00h,00h,00h,00h,00h,00h,00h,00h"); asm("Char033: DB C0h,C0h,C0h,C0h,C0h,00h,C0h,00h"); asm("Char034: DB D8h,D8h,D8h,00h,00h,00h,00h,00h"); asm("Char035: DB 6Ch,6Ch,FEh,6Ch,FEh,6Ch,6Ch,00h"); asm("Char036: DB 18h,7Eh,C0h,7Ch,06h,FCh,18h,00h"); asm("Char037: DB 00h,C6h,CCh,18h,30h,66h,C6h,00h"); asm("Char038: DB 38h,6Ch,38h,76h,DCh,CCh,76h,00h"); asm("Char039: DB 30h,30h,60h,00h,00h,00h,00h,00h"); asm("Char040: DB 30h,60h,C0h,C0h,C0h,60h,30h,00h"); asm("Char041: DB C0h,60h,30h,30h,30h,60h,C0h,00h"); asm("Char042: DB 00h,66h,3Ch,FFh,3Ch,66h,00h,00h"); asm("Char043: DB 00h,30h,30h,FCh,FCh,30h,30h,00h"); asm("Char044: DB 00h,00h,00h,00h,00h,60h,60h,C0h"); asm("Char045: DB 00h,00h,00h,FCh,00h,00h,00h,00h"); asm("Char046: DB 00h,00h,00h,00h,00h,C0h,C0h,00h"); asm("Char047: DB 06h,0Ch,18h,30h,60h,C0h,80h,00h"); asm("Char048: DB 7Ch,CEh,DEh,F6h,E6h,C6h,7Ch,00h"); asm("Char049: DB 30h,70h,30h,30h,30h,30h,FCh,00h"); asm("Char050: DB 7Ch,C6h,06h,7Ch,C0h,C0h,FEh,00h"); asm("Char051: DB FCh,06h,06h,3Ch,06h,06h,FCh,00h"); asm("Char052: DB 0Ch,CCh,CCh,CCh,FEh,0Ch,0Ch,00h"); asm("Char053: DB FEh,C0h,FCh,06h,06h,C6h,7Ch,00h"); asm("Char054: DB 7Ch,C0h,C0h,FCh,C6h,C6h,7Ch,00h"); asm("Char055: DB FEh,06h,06h,0Ch,18h,30h,30h,00h"); asm("Char056: DB 7Ch,C6h,C6h,7Ch,C6h,C6h,7Ch,00h"); asm("Char057: DB 7Ch,C6h,C6h,7Eh,06h,06h,7Ch,00h"); asm("Char058: DB 00h,C0h,C0h,00h,00h,C0h,C0h,00h"); asm("Char059: DB 00h,60h,60h,00h,00h,60h,60h,C0h"); asm("Char060: DB 18h,30h,60h,C0h,60h,30h,18h,00h"); asm("Char061: DB 00h,00h,FCh,00h,FCh,00h,00h,00h"); asm("Char062: DB C0h,60h,30h,18h,30h,60h,C0h,00h"); asm("Char063: DB 78h,CCh,18h,30h,30h,00h,30h,00h"); asm("Char064: DB 7Ch,C6h,DEh,DEh,DEh,C0h,7Eh,00h"); asm("Char065: DB 38h,6Ch,C6h,C6h,FEh,C6h,C6h,00h"); asm("Char066: DB FCh,C6h,C6h,FCh,C6h,C6h,FCh,00h"); asm("Char067: DB 7Ch,C6h,C0h,C0h,C0h,C6h,7Ch,00h"); asm("Char068: DB F8h,CCh,C6h,C6h,C6h,CCh,F8h,00h"); asm("Char069: DB FEh,C0h,C0h,F8h,C0h,C0h,FEh,00h"); asm("Char070: DB FEh,C0h,C0h,F8h,C0h,C0h,C0h,00h"); asm("Char071: DB 7Ch,C6h,C0h,C0h,CEh,C6h,7Ch,00h"); asm("Char072: DB C6h,C6h,C6h,FEh,C6h,C6h,C6h,00h"); asm("Char073: DB 7Eh,18h,18h,18h,18h,18h,7Eh,00h"); asm("Char074: DB 06h,06h,06h,06h,06h,C6h,7Ch,00h"); asm("Char075: DB C6h,CCh,D8h,F0h,D8h,CCh,C6h,00h"); asm("Char076: DB C0h,C0h,C0h,C0h,C0h,C0h,FEh,00h"); asm("Char077: DB C6h,EEh,FEh,FEh,D6h,C6h,C6h,00h"); asm("Char078: DB C6h,E6h,F6h,DEh,CEh,C6h,C6h,00h"); asm("Char079: DB 7Ch,C6h,C6h,C6h,C6h,C6h,7Ch,00h"); asm("Char080: DB FCh,C6h,C6h,FCh,C0h,C0h,C0h,00h"); asm("Char081: DB 7Ch,C6h,C6h,C6h,D6h,DEh,7Ch,06h"); asm("Char082: DB FCh,C6h,C6h,FCh,D8h,CCh,C6h,00h"); asm("Char083: DB 7Ch,C6h,C0h,7Ch,06h,C6h,7Ch,00h"); asm("Char084: DB FFh,18h,18h,18h,18h,18h,18h,00h"); asm("Char085: DB C6h,C6h,C6h,C6h,C6h,C6h,FEh,00h"); asm("Char086: DB C6h,C6h,C6h,C6h,C6h,7Ch,38h,00h"); asm("Char087: DB C6h,C6h,C6h,C6h,D6h,FEh,6Ch,00h"); asm("Char088: DB C6h,C6h,6Ch,38h,6Ch,C6h,C6h,00h"); asm("Char089: DB C6h,C6h,C6h,7Ch,18h,30h,E0h,00h"); asm("Char090: DB FEh,06h,0Ch,18h,30h,60h,FEh,00h"); asm("Char091: DB F0h,C0h,C0h,C0h,C0h,C0h,F0h,00h"); asm("Char092: DB C0h,60h,30h,18h,0Ch,06h,02h,00h"); asm("Char093: DB F0h,30h,30h,30h,30h,30h,F0h,00h"); asm("Char094: DB 10h,38h,6Ch,C6h,00h,00h,00h,00h"); asm("Char095: DB 00h,00h,00h,00h,00h,00h,00h,FFh"); asm("Char096: DB C0h,C0h,60h,00h,00h,00h,00h,00h"); asm("Char097: DB 00h,00h,7Ch,06h,7Eh,C6h,7Eh,00h"); asm("Char098: DB C0h,C0h,C0h,FCh,C6h,C6h,FCh,00h"); asm("Char099: DB 00h,00h,7Ch,C6h,C0h,C6h,7Ch,00h"); asm("Char100: DB 06h,06h,06h,7Eh,C6h,C6h,7Eh,00h"); asm("Char101: DB 00h,00h,7Ch,C6h,FEh,C0h,7Ch,00h"); asm("Char102: DB 1Ch,36h,30h,78h,30h,30h,78h,00h"); asm("Char103: DB 00h,00h,7Eh,C6h,C6h,7Eh,06h,FCh"); asm("Char104: DB C0h,C0h,FCh,C6h,C6h,C6h,C6h,00h"); asm("Char105: DB 60h,00h,E0h,60h,60h,60h,F0h,00h"); asm("Char106: DB 06h,00h,06h,06h,06h,06h,C6h,7Ch"); asm("Char107: DB C0h,C0h,CCh,D8h,F8h,CCh,C6h,00h"); asm("Char108: DB E0h,60h,60h,60h,60h,60h,F0h,00h"); asm("Char109: DB 00h,00h,CCh,FEh,FEh,D6h,D6h,00h"); asm("Char110: DB 00h,00h,FCh,C6h,C6h,C6h,C6h,00h"); asm("Char111: DB 00h,00h,7Ch,C6h,C6h,C6h,7Ch,00h"); asm("Char112: DB 00h,00h,FCh,C6h,C6h,FCh,C0h,C0h"); asm("Char113: DB 00h,00h,7Eh,C6h,C6h,7Eh,06h,06h"); asm("Char114: DB 00h,00h,FCh,C6h,C0h,C0h,C0h,00h"); asm("Char115: DB 00h,00h,7Eh,C0h,7Ch,06h,FCh,00h"); asm("Char116: DB 30h,30h,FCh,30h,30h,30h,1Ch,00h"); asm("Char117: DB 00h,00h,C6h,C6h,C6h,C6h,7Eh,00h"); asm("Char118: DB 00h,00h,C6h,C6h,C6h,7Ch,38h,00h"); asm("Char119: DB 00h,00h,C6h,C6h,D6h,FEh,6Ch,00h"); asm("Char120: DB 00h,00h,C6h,6Ch,38h,6Ch,C6h,00h"); asm("Char121: DB 00h,00h,C6h,C6h,C6h,7Eh,06h,FCh"); asm("Char122: DB 00h,00h,FEh,0Ch,38h,60h,FEh,00h"); asm("Char123: DB 1Ch,30h,30h,E0h,30h,30h,1Ch,00h"); asm("Char124: DB C0h,C0h,C0h,00h,C0h,C0h,C0h,00h"); asm("Char125: DB E0h,30h,30h,1Ch,30h,30h,E0h,00h"); asm("Char126: DB 76h,DCh,00h,00h,00h,00h,00h,00h"); asm("Char127: DB 00h,10h,38h,6Ch,C6h,C6h,FEh,00h"); asm("Char128: DB 7Ch,C6h,C0h,C0h,C0h,D6h,7Ch,30h"); asm("Char129: DB C6h,00h,C6h,C6h,C6h,C6h,7Eh,00h"); asm("Char130: DB 0Eh,00h,7Ch,C6h,FEh,C0h,7Ch,00h"); asm("Char131: DB 7Eh,81h,3Ch,06h,7Eh,C6h,7Eh,00h"); asm("Char132: DB 66h,00h,7Ch,06h,7Eh,C6h,7Eh,00h"); asm("Char133: DB E0h,00h,7Ch,06h,7Eh,C6h,7Eh,00h"); asm("Char134: DB 18h,18h,7Ch,06h,7Eh,C6h,7Eh,00h"); asm("Char135: DB 00h,00h,7Ch,C6h,C0h,D6h,7Ch,30h"); asm("Char136: DB 7Eh,81h,7Ch,C6h,FEh,C0h,7Ch,00h"); asm("Char137: DB 66h,00h,7Ch,C6h,FEh,C0h,7Ch,00h"); asm("Char138: DB E0h,00h,7Ch,C6h,FEh,C0h,7Ch,00h"); asm("Char139: DB 66h,00h,38h,18h,18h,18h,3Ch,00h"); asm("Char140: DB 7Ch,82h,38h,18h,18h,18h,3Ch,00h"); asm("Char141: DB 70h,00h,38h,18h,18h,18h,3Ch,00h"); asm("Char142: DB C6h,10h,7Ch,C6h,FEh,C6h,C6h,00h"); asm("Char143: DB 38h,38h,00h,7Ch,C6h,FEh,C6h,00h"); asm("Char144: DB 0Eh,00h,FEh,C0h,F8h,C0h,FEh,00h"); asm("Char145: DB 00h,00h,7Fh,0Ch,7Fh,CCh,7Fh,00h"); asm("Char146: DB 3Fh,6Ch,CCh,FFh,CCh,CCh,CFh,00h"); asm("Char147: DB 7Ch,82h,7Ch,C6h,C6h,C6h,7Ch,00h"); asm("Char148: DB 66h,00h,7Ch,C6h,C6h,C6h,7Ch,00h"); asm("Char149: DB E0h,00h,7Ch,C6h,C6h,C6h,7Ch,00h"); asm("Char150: DB 7Ch,82h,00h,C6h,C6h,C6h,7Eh,00h"); asm("Char151: DB E0h,00h,C6h,C6h,C6h,C6h,7Eh,00h"); asm("Char152: DB 66h,00h,66h,66h,66h,3Eh,06h,7Ch"); asm("Char153: DB C6h,7Ch,C6h,C6h,C6h,C6h,7Ch,00h"); asm("Char154: DB C6h,00h,C6h,C6h,C6h,C6h,FEh,00h"); asm("Char155: DB 18h,18h,7Eh,D8h,D8h,D8h,7Eh,18h"); asm("Char156: DB 38h,6Ch,60h,F0h,60h,66h,FCh,00h"); asm("Char157: DB 66h,66h,3Ch,18h,7Eh,18h,7Eh,18h"); asm("Char158: DB F8h,CCh,CCh,FAh,C6h,CFh,C6h,C3h"); asm("Char159: DB 0Eh,1Bh,18h,3Ch,18h,18h,D8h,70h"); asm("Char160: DB 0Eh,00h,7Ch,06h,7Eh,C6h,7Eh,00h"); asm("Char161: DB 1Ch,00h,38h,18h,18h,18h,3Ch,00h"); asm("Char162: DB 0Eh,00h,7Ch,C6h,C6h,C6h,7Ch,00h"); asm("Char163: DB 0Eh,00h,C6h,C6h,C6h,C6h,7Eh,00h"); asm("Char164: DB 00h,FEh,00h,FCh,C6h,C6h,C6h,00h"); asm("Char165: DB FEh,00h,C6h,E6h,F6h,DEh,CEh,00h"); asm("Char166: DB 3Ch,6Ch,6Ch,3Eh,00h,7Eh,00h,00h"); asm("Char167: DB 3Ch,66h,66h,3Ch,00h,7Eh,00h,00h"); asm("Char168: DB 18h,00h,18h,18h,30h,66h,3Ch,00h"); asm("Char169: DB 00h,00h,00h,FCh,C0h,C0h,00h,00h"); asm("Char170: DB 00h,00h,00h,FCh,0Ch,0Ch,00h,00h"); asm("Char171: DB C6h,CCh,D8h,3Fh,63h,CFh,8Ch,0Fh"); asm("Char172: DB C3h,C6h,CCh,DBh,37h,6Dh,CFh,03h"); asm("Char173: DB 18h,00h,18h,18h,18h,18h,18h,00h"); asm("Char174: DB 00h,33h,66h,CCh,66h,33h,00h,00h"); asm("Char175: DB 00h,CCh,66h,33h,66h,CCh,00h,00h"); asm("Char176: DB 22h,88h,22h,88h,22h,88h,22h,88h"); asm("Char177: DB 55h,AAh,55h,AAh,55h,AAh,55h,AAh"); asm("Char178: DB DDh,77h,DDh,77h,DDh,77h,DDh,77h"); asm("Char179: DB 18h,18h,18h,18h,18h,18h,18h,18h"); asm("Char180: DB 18h,18h,18h,18h,F8h,18h,18h,18h"); asm("Char181: DB 18h,18h,F8h,18h,F8h,18h,18h,18h"); asm("Char182: DB 36h,36h,36h,36h,F6h,36h,36h,36h"); asm("Char183: DB 00h,00h,00h,00h,FEh,36h,36h,36h"); asm("Char184: DB 00h,00h,F8h,18h,F8h,18h,18h,18h"); asm("Char185: DB 36h,36h,F6h,06h,F6h,36h,36h,36h"); asm("Char186: DB 36h,36h,36h,36h,36h,36h,36h,36h"); asm("Char187: DB 00h,00h,FEh,06h,F6h,36h,36h,36h"); asm("Char188: DB 36h,36h,F6h,06h,FEh,00h,00h,00h"); asm("Char189: DB 36h,36h,36h,36h,FEh,00h,00h,00h"); asm("Char190: DB 18h,18h,F8h,18h,F8h,00h,00h,00h"); asm("Char191: DB 00h,00h,00h,00h,F8h,18h,18h,18h"); asm("Char192: DB 18h,18h,18h,18h,1Fh,00h,00h,00h"); asm("Char193: DB 18h,18h,18h,18h,FFh,00h,00h,00h"); asm("Char194: DB 00h,00h,00h,00h,FFh,18h,18h,18h"); asm("Char195: DB 18h,18h,18h,18h,1Fh,18h,18h,18h"); asm("Char196: DB 00h,00h,00h,00h,FFh,00h,00h,00h"); asm("Char197: DB 18h,18h,18h,18h,FFh,18h,18h,18h"); asm("Char198: DB 18h,18h,1Fh,18h,1Fh,18h,18h,18h"); asm("Char199: DB 36h,36h,36h,36h,37h,36h,36h,36h"); asm("Char200: DB 36h,36h,37h,30h,3Fh,00h,00h,00h"); asm("Char201: DB 00h,00h,3Fh,30h,37h,36h,36h,36h"); asm("Char202: DB 36h,36h,F7h,00h,FFh,00h,00h,00h"); asm("Char203: DB 00h,00h,FFh,00h,F7h,36h,36h,36h"); asm("Char204: DB 36h,36h,37h,30h,37h,36h,36h,36h"); asm("Char205: DB 00h,00h,FFh,00h,FFh,00h,00h,00h"); asm("Char206: DB 36h,36h,F7h,00h,F7h,36h,36h,36h"); asm("Char207: DB 18h,18h,FFh,00h,FFh,00h,00h,00h"); asm("Char208: DB 36h,36h,36h,36h,FFh,00h,00h,00h"); asm("Char209: DB 00h,00h,FFh,00h,FFh,18h,18h,18h"); asm("Char210: DB 00h,00h,00h,00h,FFh,36h,36h,36h"); asm("Char211: DB 36h,36h,36h,36h,3Fh,00h,00h,00h"); asm("Char212: DB 18h,18h,1Fh,18h,1Fh,00h,00h,00h"); asm("Char213: DB 00h,00h,1Fh,18h,1Fh,18h,18h,18h"); asm("Char214: DB 00h,00h,00h,00h,3Fh,36h,36h,36h"); asm("Char215: DB 36h,36h,36h,36h,FFh,36h,36h,36h"); asm("Char216: DB 18h,18h,FFh,18h,FFh,18h,18h,18h"); asm("Char217: DB 18h,18h,18h,18h,F8h,00h,00h,00h"); asm("Char218: DB 00h,00h,00h,00h,1Fh,18h,18h,18h"); asm("Char219: DB FFh,FFh,FFh,FFh,FFh,FFh,FFh,FFh"); asm("Char220: DB 00h,00h,00h,00h,FFh,FFh,FFh,FFh"); asm("Char221: DB F0h,F0h,F0h,F0h,F0h,F0h,F0h,F0h"); asm("Char222: DB 0Fh,0Fh,0Fh,0Fh,0Fh,0Fh,0Fh,0Fh"); asm("Char223: DB FFh,FFh,FFh,FFh,00h,00h,00h,00h"); asm("Char224: DB 00h,00h,76h,DCh,C8h,DCh,76h,00h"); asm("Char225: DB 38h,6Ch,6Ch,78h,6Ch,66h,6Ch,60h"); asm("Char226: DB 00h,FEh,C6h,C0h,C0h,C0h,C0h,00h"); asm("Char227: DB 00h,00h,FEh,6Ch,6Ch,6Ch,6Ch,00h"); asm("Char228: DB FEh,60h,30h,18h,30h,60h,FEh,00h"); asm("Char229: DB 00h,00h,7Eh,D8h,D8h,D8h,70h,00h"); asm("Char230: DB 00h,66h,66h,66h,66h,7Ch,60h,C0h"); asm("Char231: DB 00h,76h,DCh,18h,18h,18h,18h,00h"); asm("Char232: DB 7Eh,18h,3Ch,66h,66h,3Ch,18h,7Eh"); asm("Char233: DB 3Ch,66h,C3h,FFh,C3h,66h,3Ch,00h"); asm("Char234: DB 3Ch,66h,C3h,C3h,66h,66h,E7h,00h"); asm("Char235: DB 0Eh,18h,0Ch,7Eh,C6h,C6h,7Ch,00h"); asm("Char236: DB 00h,00h,7Eh,DBh,DBh,7Eh,00h,00h"); asm("Char237: DB 06h,0Ch,7Eh,DBh,DBh,7Eh,60h,C0h"); asm("Char238: DB 38h,60h,C0h,F8h,C0h,60h,38h,00h"); asm("Char239: DB 78h,CCh,CCh,CCh,CCh,CCh,CCh,00h"); asm("Char240: DB 00h,7Eh,00h,7Eh,00h,7Eh,00h,00h"); asm("Char241: DB 18h,18h,7Eh,18h,18h,00h,7Eh,00h"); asm("Char242: DB 60h,30h,18h,30h,60h,00h,FCh,00h"); asm("Char243: DB 18h,30h,60h,30h,18h,00h,FCh,00h"); asm("Char244: DB 0Eh,1Bh,1Bh,18h,18h,18h,18h,18h"); asm("Char245: DB 18h,18h,18h,18h,18h,D8h,D8h,70h"); asm("Char246: DB 18h,18h,00h,7Eh,00h,18h,18h,00h"); asm("Char247: DB 00h,76h,DCh,00h,76h,DCh,00h,00h"); asm("Char248: DB 38h,6Ch,6Ch,38h,00h,00h,00h,00h"); asm("Char249: DB 00h,00h,00h,18h,18h,00h,00h,00h"); asm("Char250: DB 00h,00h,00h,00h,18h,00h,00h,00h"); asm("Char251: DB 0Fh,0Ch,0Ch,0Ch,ECh,6Ch,3Ch,1Ch"); asm("Char252: DB 78h,6Ch,6Ch,6Ch,6Ch,00h,00h,00h"); asm("Char253: DB 7Ch,0Ch,7Ch,60h,7Ch,00h,00h,00h"); asm("Char254: DB 00h,00h,3Ch,3Ch,3Ch,3Ch,00h,00h"); asm("Char255: DB 00h,10h,00h,00h,00h,00h,00h,00h"); } void printSmall8bpp(const char* string, uint16_t x, uint8_t y) { asm("LD DE,(IX+9)"); asm("LD (posX),DE"); asm("LD A,(IX+12)"); asm("LD (posY),A"); asm("LD HL,(IX+6)"); asm("CALL drawStringSmall"); } uint8_t isKeyPressed(uint16_t key) { uint8_t* addr = (uint8_t*)(0xF50000 + (uint8_t)(key >> 8)); uint8_t mask = key & 0xFF; return ((*addr)&mask) ? 1 : 0; } void scanKeys() { asm("ld hl,0F50000h"); asm("ld (hl),3"); // Set Continuous Scan mode // asm("ld (hl),2"); // Set Single Scan mode /* asm("xor a,a"); asm("scan_wait:"); asm("cp a,(hl)"); // Wait for Idle mode asm("jr nz,scan_wait");*/ }