function get_screen_size() local window = platform.window return window:width(), window:height() end function get_logo_files() return var.list() end function get_logo_script(nam) return var.recallstr(nam):sub(2,-2):gsub("\"\"","\""):gsub("\039","\"") end function store_logo_script(nam, data), data:gsub("\"","\039")) end -------------------------------------------------- -- Jim Bauwens implentation of a Screen manager -- -- Original Idea from Levak, so many credits to -- -- him! -- -------------------------------------------------- Screen = class() Screens = {} function push_screen(screen) table.insert(Screens, screen) end function remove_screen(screen) return table.remove(Screens) end function current_screen() return Screens[#Screens] end function Screen:init() end function Screen.paint(gc) end function Screen.timer() end function Screen.arrowUp() end function Screen.arrowDown() end function Screen.arrowLeft() end function Screen.arrowRight()end function Screen.enterKey() end function Screen.escapeKey() end function Screen.tabKey() end function Screen.charIn(char) end function on.paint(gc) current_screen().paint(gc) end function on.timer() current_screen().timer() end function on.arrowUp() current_screen().arrowUp() end function on.arrowDown() current_screen().arrowDown() end function on.arrowLeft() current_screen().arrowLeft() end function on.arrowRight()current_screen().arrowRight() end function on.enterKey() current_screen().enterKey() end function on.escapeKey() current_screen().escapeKey() end function on.tabKey() current_screen().tabKey() end function on.charIn(ch) current_screen().charIn(ch) end function on.backspaceKey() current_screen().backspaceKey() end Editor_Main = Screen() = 1 Editor_Main.selected = 1 syntax_colors = {} syntax_colors["to"] = {t="b", c={211,54,130}} syntax_colors["end"] = {t="r", c={211,54,130}} syntax_colors["make"] = {t="r", c={108,113,196}} syntax_colors["for"] = {t="r", c={133,153,0}} syntax_colors["if"] = {t="r", c={42,161,152}} syntax_colors["ifelse"] = {t="r", c={42,161,152}} syntax_colors["until"] = {t="r", c={133,153,0}} syntax_colors["while"] = {t="r", c={133,153,0}} syntax_colors["do.until"]= {t="r", c={133,153,0}} syntax_colors["do.while"]= {t="r", c={133,153,0}} syntax_colors["thing"] = {t="r", c={108,113,196}} se = string.uchar(233) sa = string.uchar(224) locale_strings = {} locale_strings["fr"] = {"S""lectionnez le script logo pour modifier:", "Entrez le nom du script"} locale_strings["en"] = {"Select logo script to edit:", "Enter the name of the script"} locale_strings["s"] = ( == "fr") and locale_strings["fr"] or locale_strings["en"] function Editor_Main.paint(gc) local width, height = get_screen_size() local top = local selected = Editor_Main.selected Editor_Main.files = {"New script...", unpack(get_logo_files())} local files = Editor_Main.files local nfiles= #files local bcolor Editor_Main.ditems = math.floor((height-60)/18) local ditems = Editor_Main.ditems gc:setColorRGB(200,200,200) gc:fillRect(0,0,width, height) gc:setColorRGB(0, 0, 0) gc:setFont("sansserif", "b", 11) gc:drawString("LogoMagic Script Editor", 2,2, "top") gc:setFont("sansserif", "b", 8) gc:fillRect(0, 27, width, 4) gc:drawRect(10, 50, width - 20, ditems*18 + 1) gc:drawString(locale_strings["s"][1],10, 35, "top") gc:setFont("sansserif", "r", 12) for i=1, math.min(nfiles, ditems) do bcolor = ((i+top)%2==0) and {160,160,160} or {200,200,200} gc:setColorRGB(unpack(bcolor)) if i+top-1 == selected then gc:setColorRGB(40,40,40) end gc:fillRect(11, 19+32+i*18-18, width-21, 18) gc:setColorRGB(0, 0, 0) if i+top-1 == selected then gc:setColorRGB(220,220,220) end gc:drawString(files[i+top-1], 15, 19+29+i*18-18, "top") end gc:setColorRGB(0,0,0) local selp = math.max((nfiles/ditems),1) gc:fillRect(width-5, 49 + ((top-1)*18+2)/selp, 3, (ditems*18+2)/selp +1) end function Editor_Main.arrowUp() if Editor_Main.selected>1 then Editor_Main.selected = Editor_Main.selected - 1 if>Editor_Main.selected then = -1 end end platform.window:invalidate() end function Editor_Main.arrowDown() if Editor_Main.selected<#Editor_Main.files then Editor_Main.selected = Editor_Main.selected + 1 if Editor_Main.selected> then = +1 end end platform.window:invalidate() end function Editor_Main.enterKey() if Editor_Main.selected == 1 then push_screen(Name) platform.window:invalidate() else filename = Editor_Main.files[Editor_Main.selected] Editor.text = get_logo_script(filename) .. "|" Editor.cursor = #Editor.text remove_screen() push_screen(Editor) platform.window:invalidate() end end Editor = Screen() function Editor.paint(gc) local width, height = get_screen_size() gc:setColorRGB(200,200,200) gc:fillRect(0,0,width, height) gc:setColorRGB(0, 0, 0) gc:setFont("sansserif","b",10) gc:drawString(filename, 2, -2, "top") gc:fillRect(0, 14, width, 4) gc:setFont("sansserif","r",10) Editor.lines = Editor.text:split("\n") local lines = Editor.lines local pos = 1 local ll = 0 for _ in Editor.text:sub(1, Editor.cursor):gmatch("\n") do ll = ll + 1 pos = pos + math.max(math.ceil(gc:getStringWidth(lines[ll])/(width-5)) ,1) end local oline = "" local linepos = 0 local linepossible = math.floor((height-20)/14)-1 local start = 1 if pos>linepossible then start = pos-linepossible+1 end for ln=start,#lines do local line = lines[ln] linepos = linepos + 1 oline = "" words = line:split(" ") for wi_, word in pairs(words) do if syntax_colors[word] then gc:setColorRGB(unpack(syntax_colors[word].c)) gc:setFont("sansserif",syntax_colors[word].t,10) else gc:setFont("sansserif","r",10) gc:setColorRGB(0,0,0) end if gc:getStringWidth(oline .. word) < width-5 then oline = oline .. word .. " " else gc:drawString(oline, 2, 20 + linepos*14-14, "top") linepos = linepos + 1 oline = word .. " " end end gc:drawString(oline, 2, 20 + linepos*14-14, "top") end end function Editor.charIn(ch) local pretext = Editor.text:sub(1, Editor.cursor - 1) local afttext = Editor.text:sub(Editor.cursor + 1, -1) Editor.text = pretext .. ch .. "|" .. afttext Editor.cursor = #pretext + #ch + 1 platform.window:invalidate() end function Editor.enterKey() local pretext = Editor.text:sub(1, Editor.cursor - 1) local afttext = Editor.text:sub(Editor.cursor + 1, -1) Editor.text = pretext .. "\n" .. "|" .. afttext Editor.cursor = #pretext + 2 platform.window:invalidate() end function Editor.tabKey() local pretext = Editor.text:sub(1, Editor.cursor - 1) local afttext = Editor.text:sub(Editor.cursor + 1, -1) Editor.text = pretext .. " " .. "|" .. afttext Editor.cursor = #pretext + 5 platform.window:invalidate() end function Editor.arrowLeft() if Editor.cursor>1 then local pretext = Editor.text:sub(1, Editor.cursor - 2) local char = Editor.text:sub(Editor.cursor-1, Editor.cursor - 1) local afttext = Editor.text:sub(Editor.cursor + 1, -1) Editor.text = pretext .. "|" .. char .. afttext Editor.cursor = #pretext + 1 platform.window:invalidate() end end function Editor.arrowRight() if Editor.cursor<#Editor.text then local pretext = Editor.text:sub(1, Editor.cursor - 1) local char = Editor.text:sub(Editor.cursor+1, Editor.cursor +1) local afttext = Editor.text:sub(Editor.cursor + 2, -1) Editor.text = pretext .. char .. "|" .. afttext Editor.cursor = #pretext + 2 platform.window:invalidate() end end function Editor.arrowUp() local pos = 0 for _ in Editor.text:sub(1, Editor.cursor):gmatch("\n") do pos = pos + 1 end if pos>0 then local lline = #Editor.lines[pos] local cline = 0 while true do if Editor.text:sub(Editor.cursor-1-cline, Editor.cursor-1-cline) == "\n" then break end cline = cline + 1 end lline = math.max(lline, cline) local pretext = Editor.text:sub(1, Editor.cursor - lline - 2) local midtext = Editor.text:sub(Editor.cursor - lline-1, Editor.cursor - 1) local afttext = Editor.text:sub(Editor.cursor + 1, -1) Editor.text = pretext .. "|" .. midtext .. afttext Editor.cursor = #pretext + 1 platform.window:invalidate() end end function Editor.arrowDown() local pos = 0 for _ in Editor.text:sub(1, Editor.cursor):gmatch("\n") do pos = pos + 1 end if pos<#Editor.lines then local nline = 0 while true do nline = nline + 1 if Editor.text:sub(Editor.cursor+nline, Editor.cursor+nline) == "\n" then break end if Editor.cursor+nline>#Editor.text then return end end local pretext = Editor.text:sub(1, Editor.cursor - 1) local midtext = Editor.text:sub(Editor.cursor + 1, Editor.cursor+nline) local afttext = Editor.text:sub(Editor.cursor+nline+1, -1) Editor.text = pretext .. midtext .. "|" .. afttext Editor.cursor = Editor.cursor+nline platform.window:invalidate() else local pretext = Editor.text:sub(1, Editor.cursor - 1) local afttext = Editor.text:sub(Editor.cursor + 1, -1) Editor.text = pretext .. afttext .. "|" Editor.cursor = #Editor.text end end function Editor.backspaceKey() if Editor.cursor>1 then local pretext = Editor.text:sub(1, Editor.cursor - 2) local char = Editor.text:sub(Editor.cursor-1, Editor.cursor - 1) local afttext = Editor.text:sub(Editor.cursor + 1, -1) Editor.text = pretext .. "|" .. afttext Editor.cursor = #pretext + 1 platform.window:invalidate() end end function Editor.escapeKey() local pretext = Editor.text:sub(1, Editor.cursor - 1) local afttext = Editor.text:sub(Editor.cursor + 1, -1) store_logo_script(filename, pretext .. afttext) remove_screen() push_screen(Editor_Main) platform.window:invalidate() end function drawStringMiddle(gc, tstring, y) local width = get_screen_size() local w = gc:getStringWidth(tstring) gc:drawString(tstring, (width/2)-(w/2), y, "top") end Name = Screen() Name.text = "" function Name.paint(gc) local width, height = get_screen_size() gc:setFont("sansserif","r",8) gc:setColorRGB(150,150,150) gc:fillRect(35,height/2-20,width-70, 40) gc:setPen("medium","smooth") gc:setColorRGB(0,0,0) gc:drawRect(35,height/2-20,width-70, 40) drawStringMiddle(gc,locale_strings["s"][2], height/2-18) gc:setPen("thin","smooth") gc:drawRect(40,height/2-4,width-80, 20) gc:drawString(Name.text,42,height/2-1, "top") end function Name.charIn(ch) Name.text = Name.text .. ch platform.window:invalidate() end function Name.backspaceKey() Name.text = Name.text:sub(1,-2) platform.window:invalidate() end function Name.enterKey() filename = Name.text Screens = {Editor} Editor.text = "|" Editor.cursor = 1 platform.window:invalidate() end push_screen(Editor_Main)