function logo_error(err) error(err,0) end function justWords(str) local t = {} for w in str:gmatch("%S+") do table.insert(t, w) end return t end function run(lgo) local lgo=justWords(lgo:gsub("[*%/-+()<>=%[%]]"," %1 "):gsub("> =",">="):gsub("< =", "<="):gsub("< >", "<>")) local d={pos=1, token=lgo} local ret global_stack = {} while d.pos<=#d.token do ret = parse_token(d, {global_stack}) if ret then logo_error("You don\'t say what to do with " .. ret) end d.pos=d.pos+1 end end function data_type(d, stack, pre) local pretoken = {} pretoken[d.pos] = pre local token = pretoken[d.pos] or d.token[d.pos] -- The token local bf_token = token:sub(2) -- Everything but the first character local bl_token = token:sub(1, 1) -- The first character local content = "" if bl_token == "\"" then -- If self reference return bf_token, 0 elseif bl_token == ":" then -- If variable for _,cstack in pairs(stack) do content = cstack[bf_token] if content then return content, 0 end end logo_error(bf_token .. " has no value") elseif tonumber(token) then -- If number return token, 0 elseif token == "[" then -- If list return parse_list(d) end end ------------------------------------------ -- PARSE TOKENS -- ------------------------------------------ function parse_token(d, stack, endl, busy_infix) local token = d.token[d.pos] -- The token if type(token) == "table" then return token end local dt = data_type(d, stack) local ntoken = "" local return_value = nil if dt then return_value = dt elseif token == "-" then --[[ --]] elseif token == "(" then -- Start a new parse instance if ( d.pos = d.pos + 1 return_value = parse_token(d, stack, true) elseif token:lower() == "to" then -- If TO parse_to(d) elseif subroutine[token:lower()] then -- If operation local routine = subroutine[token:lower()] local nargs = routine.p local args = {} local i = 0 local retval = 0 while true do if i == nargs and not endl then break end i = i + 1 d.pos = d.pos + 1 ntoken = d.token[d.pos] if not ntoken then logo_error("not enough inputs to " .. token) end if ntoken == ")" then break end retval = parse_token(d, stack) if not retval then logo_error(ntoken .. " didn't output to " .. token) end table.insert(args, retval) ntoken = d.token[d.pos] if ntoken == ")" then break end end if routine.func then return_value = routine.func(stack, unpack(args)) else __run = true local sub_stack = {} for i, parm in pairs( do sub_stack[parm] = args[i] end local data = {pos=1, token=routine.routine} local tack = {sub_stack, unpack(stack)} while data.pos<=#data.token and __run do parse_token(data, tack) data.pos=data.pos+1 end return_value = sub_stack["__output"] __run = true end else -- If nothing of the above, error logo_error("I don\'t know how to " .. token) end if token=="-" or infix[d.token[d.pos+1]] and ntoken~=")" and not busy_infix then return compute_infix(d, stack, endl, return_value) else return return_value end end ---------------------------- -- PARSE LIST -- ---------------------------- function parse_list(d) local list = {} local token = "" while true do d.pos = d.pos + 1 token = d.token[d.pos] if token == "[" then token = parse_list(d) elseif token == "]"then break end table.insert(list, token) end return list end ---------------------------- -- PARSE TO -- ---------------------------- function parse_to(d) d.pos = d.pos + 1 local name = d.token[d.pos]:lower() local parm = nil local pref = nil local token = "" if subroutine[name] then --logo_error(name .. " is already defined") end subroutine[name] = {} subroutine[name].p = 0 subroutine[name].pn = {} while true do d.pos = d.pos + 1 parm = d.token[d.pos] pref = parm:sub(1,1) if pref == ":" then subroutine[name].p = subroutine[name].p + 1 table.insert(subroutine[name].pn, parm:sub(2,-1)) else break end end subroutine[name].routine = {} while true do token = d.token[d.pos] if token ~= "end" then table.insert(subroutine[name].routine, token) else return end d.pos = d.pos + 1 end end ------------------ -- Clean output -- ------------------ function list_to_string(d, q) if type(d) == "string" then return d end local out = "" for i,p in pairs(d) do if type(p) == "string" then out = out .. p .. " " else out = out .. "[ " .. list_to_string(p) .. "] " end end return q and "[ " .. out .. "]" or out end