_ _ / / ---/___ /------__-----__-----__----_--_-----__-----__- / / / ) / ) / ) / / ) / ) / ) _/____/_____(___(__/___/__(___/__/_/__/__(___(__/___/_ / (_ / / ___ / / / /__/ (___ /__/ / / by cyanophycean314 This program may be freely distributed and editted as long as you give credit to the original author, cyanophycean314 ---------------------- -----Instructions----- ---------------------- This is a basic game of Hangman. Press letters on the keypad to guess them. You have 6 tries to guess all the letters. If you win, Good! If you lose, Bad! There are different difficulty levels and word categories to help you. In 2 Player, one person will type a word beforehand, and then the other person can try and guess it. Over 200 words to try and guess! ---------------------- -------Controls------- ---------------------- Up/Down - Select Menu Option Left/Right - Change difficulty Enter - Confirm Menu Option, or retry the word in 1 Player Letters - Guess letters Tab - Generate new puzzle Escape - Quit to menu, or choose new word in 2 Player ---------------------- -----Installation----- ---------------------- Use TI Nspire Student Software or whatever you use to save it onto your calculator. ---------------------- ------Disclaimer------ ---------------------- Although it should be well tested and very safe, it still might screw something up. The author holds no responsibility as to what it will do to your calculator. ---------------------- -------Changelog------ ---------------------- v1.0 12-23-11 --Initial Release --59 words v1.1 12-23-11 --Menu --110 words --Enter Key to Reset Word v1.2 12-27-11 --Difficulty --200 words --2 Player --Some Optimization Stuffs