|              mViewer GX2 Creator             |
|               for the HP-Prime               |
|         by Xavier (Critor) Andreani          |
| http://tiplanet.org/forum/editgx.php?mode=46 |

Thank you for creating your calculator document on TIPlanet.org

A) Installing the calculator on the computer :  (skip to B if already performed)
You need a specific software to put the files on the calculator.
For example, HP-Connectivity Kit :
https://tiplanet.org/forum/archives_voir.php?id=507172 (for Windows)

B) Checking this generation :
The HP Prime apps size limit is :
- 2MB for versions 10077 and older
- 4.5MB starting from version 10637
Open the attached 'appslist.txt' file, and check that no app exceeds that limit.
If very few apps slightly exceed that limit, you may try to open its matching '.hpappdir.zip' file
and move the last '.png' file to the next app, or the first '.png' file to the previous app.
Or you may change fields values in your conversion form :
- less pages per application
- smaller image size
- fewer colors
Even if you closed it, you may still access the conversion form for this generation by clicking the matching edit button on :

C) Sending the files to the calculator :
Now that you've checked that all apps take less than 2MB, send all attached '.hpprgm' and '.hpappdir.zip' files to the calculator.

The calculator may freeze during the transfer, usually on completing the transfer of one of the files.
If this happens, just reset the calculator, check what was sent correctly and go on with sending the missing files.

The calculator may show you a memory error. Unless you really sent almost 200MB of data, this usually doesn't mean that there is no space left.
It's just the RAM which for some reason got filled and didn't get cleaned.
Just reset the calculator, check what was sent correctly and go on with sending the missing files.

D) Reading the files on the calculator :
Either :
- run any of the new shown program when pressing [Shift] [0]
- run any of the new shown app when pression [Apps]

The calculator may fail at running an app.
This is usually a RAM memory problem, especially if you've just completed the transfer and haven't reset the calculator yet.
If it happens, just reset the calculator and immediately try again - it should work.
Note that pages around 1MB need 15-16MB of free RAM to be read properly, which is only possible starting from the 10077 firmware.

When in the document viewer :
- arrow keys or touch screen for progressive scroll
- [*] or [/] or touch screen to zoom in or out
- [1], [2], [3], [4], [6], [7], [8] or [9] for a fullscreen-wide scroll
- [+] or [-] to go to next or previous page
- [Num] to go to a specific page
- [Esc] to quit

For support :