|              mViewer GX Creator             |
|               for the HP-Prime              |
|         by Xavier (Critor) Andreani         |
| http://tiplanet.org/forum/editgx.php?mode=6 |

Thank you for creating your calculator document on TIPlanet.org.

A) Installing the calculator on the computer :  (skip to B if already performed)
You need a specific software to put the files on the calculator.
For example, HP-Connectivity Kit :
http://tiplanet.org/forum/archives_voir.php?id=23567 (for Windows)

B) Sending the files to the calculator :
Send all attached '.hpprgm' files to the calculator.

Walkthrough for HP-Connectivity Kit build 5442 or older users :
- Don't run the HP-Connectivity Kit.
- Copy all attached '.hpprgm' files to the "HP Connectivity Kit\Calculators\MyCalc\" path accessible from your user documents folder.
- Now run the HP-Connectivity Kit.
- In the 'Content' tab, right-click any new shown files under the 'Programs' node and send it to the class
- Note that the transfer may take up to 2 minutes for 2MB files, and that the software isn't showing any progress.
- If the calculator does freeze or reboot, just try again starting from the last attempted file.

D) Reading the files on the calculator :
Run any of the new shown files when pressing [Shift] [0] :
- arrow keys or touch screen for progressive scroll
- [*] or [/] or touch screen to zoom in or out
- [1], [2], [3], [4], [6], [7], [8] or [9] for a fullscreen-wide scroll
- [+] or [-] to go to next or previous page
- [Esc] to quit

If one of the files is showing error message, press the 'Reset' button on the back and immediately try it again.

For support :