NDLESS for Exam Mode by gameblabla ___________________________________ Here are all the ndless versions for OS 3.6, OS 3.9, OS 4.0 and OS 4.2 working in Exam mode ! To make it work in exam mode, simply put in the Press-To-Test folder : ndless_resources.tns Along with one of the ndless installation files. CX CAS installations files are only for TI Nspire CX CAS and CX files are for TI Nspire CX. Classic installation files are for the Black & White Ti Nspire. (now discountinued by TI as of OS 3.9) Put these two files in the Press-To-Test folder. Then run the installer and follow the instructions on-screen. Why is this not mainlined ? Mainly because the code is kind of crappy (no way around it) and because Ndless authors are afraid it might enable cheating. (or at least, make it easier) It doesn't work on your calc ? Contact me at gameblabla[at]openmailbox.org