Mandelbrot set 03/08/2012 for TI-Nspire - Ndless 3.1 Author : Levak up, right, down, left obviously moves +,- increase/decrease the iterations Enter full iteration Z brings the zoom box cursor tool *,/ Zoom/dezoom J brings the Julia correspondance cursor tool M go back to Mandelbrot set hold x+, hold x-, hold y+, hold y- : changes the Julia startup values Optimisations : - Rendering mask : improves performances when moving (panning, not zooming) (prevents from recalculating the already rendered parts) - Iteration mask : improves performances when increasing iterations (prevents from recalculating the whole serie) Optimisation TODO : - QuadTree (reduces the amount of black parts - or full iterations parts to compute) Bonus : Mandelbrot_processless3.tns Lua made for TI-Nspire 3.2 , in order to compare the performances... uses QuadTree and coroutines ... badluck Lua-users...