+---------+ | MUSATOR | +---------+ Uses : ---- * To transcript a partition then play it automatically, type : prgmMUSATOR (see transcription help below) * Or you may try the online MIDI file automatic converter : https://tiplanet.org/scripts/midivator/ * To the save the played music, type : Ans>¬… (see input help below) * To replay a saved music, type : ¬…:prgmMUSATORP (see input help below) Input help : ---------- Ans> = [sto>] key ¬ = [2nd][stat][>][?][enter] … = 1-5 characters long music name : = [alpha][.] Transcription help : ------------------ Rythm : optionnal at the start of the input = number of quarters/crotchets per minute Default, 60bpm. Example : 120: Notes : C = Do D = Ré E = Mi F = Fa G = Sol A = La B = Si Major scale example : CDEFGAB*C Silences : Use a space character. Octaves : Specify the octave for all following notes. O9 = octave 9 ( 16744 -31608Hz ) O8 = octave 8 ( 8372 -15804Hz ) O7 = octave 7 ( 4186 - 7902Hz ) O6 = octave 6 ( 2093 - 3951Hz ) O5 = octave 5 ( 1047 - 1975Hz ) O4 = octave 4 ( 523 - 988Hz ) O3 = octave 3 ( 262 - 494Hz ) O2 = octave 2 ( 131 - 247Hz ) O1 = octave 1 ( 65 - 123Hz ) O0 = octave 0 ( 33 - 62Hz ) Ominus sign = octave -1 ( 16 - 31Hz ) * = superior octave , = inferior octave Default, 3. Durations : Specifies the non-altered duration for all following notes and silences. Real duration depends on the rythme specified above. 9 = double whole / breve 8 = whole / semibreve 7 = half / minim 6 = quarter / crotchet (1 second at 60bpm, 0.5 second at 120bpm...) 5 = eigth / quaver 4 = sixteenth / semiquaver 3 = thirty-second / demisemiquaver 2 = sixty-fourth / hemidemisemiquaver 1 = hundred twenty-eigth / semihemidemisemiquaver 0 = two hundred fifty-sixth / demisemihemidemisemiquaver minus sign = five hundred twelfth / hemidemisemihemidemisemiquaver Default : crotchet - 6. Alterations : + = sharp - = flat . = increase duration by half To put after each note/silence affected. Examples : Minor scale : CDE-FGA-B-*C Chomatic scale : CC+DD+EFF+GG+AA+B*C