HW2Patch 2.10 for TI-89 and TI-92 Plus Hardware 2 - AMS 2.01/2.03/2.04 Copyright (c) 2000. All rights reserved. Available on www.ticalc.org and www.ti-fr.org I) Introduction This program suppresses the 8/24 kb (it depends on AMS) hardware limitation : in clear, no more black bar ! This limitation is present on HW2 2.0x. HW2Patch works only on 2.01, 2.03 and 2.04 : use the about command (first menu, from Home) to know the hardware and software versions of your calculator. II) Installing HW2Patch Launch HW2Patch. This offers you to patch the ROM definitively : - if you accept, the ROM will be modified, then you won't need HW2Patch even after a reset. ************************************************************************ WARNING ! You won't be able to send your product code to another calculator. ************************************************************************ You can restore your ROM by a simple flash. - if you refuse, you will have to launch HW2Patch after each reset, or after the uninstallation of certain kernels. The 8/24 kb software limitation is still there. If you install a kernel, you'll be able to run any assembly program. NOTES: - WARNING ! Using this program isn't without danger. Be sure your calculator is stable. - Use this program at you own risk and I cannot be held responsible for any damage done to your calculator. III) History 06/14/2000 : HW2Patch 2.10 - Now works on AMS 2.01 and 2.04. - A bugfix : the calc froze when there were too many applications. 04/02/2000 : HW2Patch 2.00 - A bug has been fixed. - You can patch your calculator definitively. (thanks to Olivier Lesteven) 02/27/2000 : HW2Patch 1.00 - Only for AMS 2.03. IV) How to contact me You can e-mail me at: Please report any and all bugs you find while using the kernel, and please don't forget to give me a precise description of what you did and what happened. However, I have a lot of work so I won't answer if the problem mentionned is already solved or known, or if I decide to do a global message in the doc of a future version.