Crazy Eights 1.0 For TI89/TI92+ Programmed by Sangui Web Site : Email : ***** Rules ***** ENGLISH ********** (from "") Introduction and Alternative Names Crazy Eights is a game for two or more players, in which the object is to get rid of the cards in your hand onto a discard pile by matching the number or suit of the previous discard. There is a huge number of variations of this game, and many alternative names. It is sometimes called Crates, Switch, Swedish Rummy, Last One or Rockaway. In Germany it is Mau-Mau; in Switzerland it is Tschausepp; in the Netherlands it is Pesten. Some British players call it Black Jack, which is unfortunate as it can lead to confusion with the well-known American banking card game Blackjack. Basic Game The basic game of Crazy Eights uses a standard 52 card pack, or two such packs shuffled together if there are a lot of players. The dealer deals (singly) five cards to each player (seven each if there are only two players). The undealt stock is placed face down on the table, and the top card of the stock is turned face up and placed beside the stock to start the discard pile. Starting with the player to dealer's left, and continuing clockwise, each player in turn must either play a legal card face up on top of the discard pile, or draw a card from the undealt stock. The following plays are legal: if the top card of the discard pile is not an eight, you may play any card which matches the rank or suit of the previous card (for example if the top card was the king of hearts you could play any king or any heart); an eight may be played on any card, and the player of the eight must nominate a suit, which must be played next; if an eight is on top of the pile, you may play any card of the suit nominated by the person who played the eight. The first player who gets rid of all their cards wins, and the other players score penalty points according to the cards they have left in their hands - 50 for an eight, 10 for a picture, and spot cards at face value (one point for an ace, two for a two and so on). Variations Crazy Eights is one of the easiest games to elaborate by adding variations, and is rarely played in its basic form. There are variations in the number of cards dealt, the rules about drawing cards and the scoring system. Usually, special meanings are given to particular cards; when played these cards affect the sequence of play, or have other effects. Drawing Cards In the normal game, you may always use your turn to draw a card. However, some people play that you may only draw if you are unable to play - if you can play you must. Some allow the drawn card to be played immediately if it is a legal play. Some allow more than one card to be drawn - either up to a fixed number of cards, after which if you still cannot (or will not) play the turn passes to the next player. Others require you to continue drawing until you can play. Last Card There may be a rule that you must alert the other players when you have just one card left. If you fail to do so you must draw cards (usually two) from the stock as a penalty. Cards requiring special actions Change suit Traditionally an eight can be played at any time and the player can nominate any suit. Some play that you can only play an eight that matches (either the same suit or another eight). Some play that you can play an eight at any time but cannot nominate another suit - the next player must match the suit of the eight you played or play another eight. Szu Kay Wong suggests that you can play an eight at any time, but can only nominate a different suit if the eight matches the rank or suit of the previous card. Some players use jacks or aces rather than eights as the cards which have the power to change suit. Skip Some play that when a queen (or some other designated rank) is played, the next player in rotation misses a turn, and the turn passes to the following player. Reverse direction Some play that when an ace (or some other designated rank) is played, the direction of play reverses, becoming anticlockwise if it had been clockwise, or vice versa. Draw cards Some play that when a two is played the next player must either draw two cards or play another two. If several consecutive twos have been played the next player must either play another two or draw two cards for each two in the sequence. FRENCH ********** (from "") 8 américain Le Huit Américain se joue avec un jeu de 54 cartes (52 cartes + 2 jokers). But du jeu Le but est de se débarasser de toutes ses cartes. Déroulement du jeu Le donneur distribue 8 cartes à chaque joueur, une par une. Il pose le talon au milieu de la table et retourne la première carte du talon, pour former l'écart. Le jeu démarre dans le sens des aiguilles d'une montre par le joueur situé après le donneur. Chaque joueur doit poser sur l'écart : une carte de même couleur que celle qui se trouve sur le dessus, ou une carte de couleur différente mais de même rang, ou un huit de n'importe quelle couleur, ou un joker. Les cartes suivantes ont une fonction spéciale : le joker, et les 2 font prendre des cartes au joueur situé après (5 pour un joker, 4 pour le 2 de pique et 2 pour les autres), et lui font sauter son tour, les huit permettent de changer de couleur à tout moment, les valets font sauter le tour du joueur situé après, l'as de pique fait changer le sens du jeu. Lorsqu'un joueur ne peut pas jouer de carte, il doit prendre une carte sur le talon, qu'il peut immédiatement poser sur l'écart si c'est possible. Lorsqu'il ne reste plus de carte dans le talon, on ramasse les cartes de l'écart, sauf celle du dessus, on les bat et on les retourne pour faire un nouveau talon. Lorsqu'un joueur n'a plus qu'une carte, il doit annoncer "carte". Il pourra alors essayer de se débarasser de sa dernière carte au tour suivant et gagner. Décompte des points Lorsqu'un joueur a gagné, chaque joueur marque le total des points correspondant aux cartes qu'il a encore en main : 50 points par Joker, 25 points par 8 et pour le 2 de pique, 15 points pour les autres 2 et les as, 10 points par figure, 5 points par autre carte. Lorsqu'un joueur arrive à 500 points, la partie s'arrête et le joueur totalisant le moins de points remporte la partie. ***** Keys ***** [LEFT],[RIGHT] : Select Card [ESC] : Menu/Quit Game [F1] : Play selected card [F2] : Draw a card from the stock [F3] : View Scores [F4] : Skip your turn [F5] : Save & Exit Game [MODE] : Sort your pack [APPS] : Off