dogs blink, then jump at you chickens blink, start animating faster, runs in direction you hit it. MONSTERS BLINK WHEN HIT SandMobs 2 hits Crab 2 hits Dog facing right, 1 pixel is off ZELDA CHECKLIST =============== ---------------------- zelda.c ---------------------- - AnimateLink may update if Slash program gets rewritten ---------------------- room.h ---------------------- - Explain how to add a room - Add a terrain - Add to world map - Add mobs in room ---------------------- terrain.h ---------------------- - Write a better SlashTerrain - Write a better AnimateTerrain - Explain how to add a new terrain. - Add properties - Add picture - Add alias - Explain how to add an animated terrain. ---------------------- mob.h ---------------------- - Write a better SlashMob - Explain how to add a mob - Define mobs behavior - Define new movement pattern ---------------------- object.h ---------------------- MOBS TO ADD: ------------ Monkey in the tree Bowwow Grandma Boy in front of Trendy game Boy at stone house Marin Fisherman 2 children playing at schoolyard Signs to add: ------------- east of town (south of that cave) Entrance to Mysterious wood South of school Sign at urchin sign Features to add: ---------------- Fall into holes Add the Select Screen Add life and crystal count Dialog boxes (talking to poeple) Fishing game Trendy game Shield/Whirlblade Reminder -------- Make the flying rooster give dialog First dungeon key staute has text.