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Recover Deleted Bitcoin Nspire CX CAS

08 Feb 2020, 19:51
by repoman
I had a Bitcoin walllet stored on my Nspire CX CAS as a private key in a text file but it got deleted some time ago. Is there a way to recover the file now that it has been deleted? I know this can be done on PC easily with FAT32/NTFS but what is the filesystem format of CX CAS? The wallet has enough Bitcoin to make this worth while. If someone can come up with a method to recover the wallet I will give them 1 BTC for their trouble!
Re: Recover Deleted Bitcoin Nspire CX CAS

09 Feb 2020, 13:01
by Vogtinator
The nspire uses reliance as filesystem on top of a flashfx wear leveling layer. Unless there was quite a lot of write activity, the data might still be there. You could write a small ndless program which dumps the whole nand data (using read_nand) over serial or just search for the file contents directly, if there's something searchable inside.
Re: Recover Deleted Bitcoin Nspire CX CAS

15 Mar 2021, 05:35
by Strata69
I know that it's been a really long time since the last post but is there any way to do this on the CX II lol
Re: Recover Deleted Bitcoin Nspire CX CAS

15 Mar 2021, 17:35
by Vogtinator
The same method still applies for the CX II. Make a complete nand dump somehow and your chances aren't that bad.
Re: Recover Deleted Bitcoin Nspire CX CAS

18 Mar 2025, 00:42
by CiriousJoker
Hey @repoman, are you still there? I just accidentally deleted some files on my calculator too (cx 1 not 2), perhaps we can find a solution together. Feel free to email me at [myusername]