DeeperYouGo By Nero_the_Necro --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a level pack for MateoConLenchuga's Oiram for the TI 84 plus CE and was made with his Oriam level editer. If you want to play this level pack, you need to download it and follow his intstallation instructions. I am in no way taking credit for Oiram or its level editer, this is just a level pack. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once you have installed Oiram, all you need to is upload the file to your TI 84 Plus CE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are six levels; -Heavan -Earth -Buried alive -Drowning... Underground? -Nightmare and, -Lava ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I would love to hear feedback -Nero_the_Necro (keep a look out for DYG2!) End of Readme