The (flexible) Game of Snake By: Frode van der Meeren Variations has appeared for different platfroms through 2007/2008/2009 This is basically some small variations of the game of snake, with the addition of one unike feautre. This feautre is implemented to make the game more realistic in terms of nature, and this feautre is that the snake will shed it's skin when it reaches a certain length. After this happens, a part of the snake will keep going, while the rest (the "old skin") is left as an obstacle. Crashing with any old skin causes game-over. Except for that, this is just standard snake. It's designed to be fast and flexible, so a lot of different functions in the game is defined by constants. All those constants are set in the start of the program, so changing them are pretty easy. On the topic of speed, I have focused on making the engine as small as possible, and lesser code = faster game. The tradeoff is of course that the graphics are prety simple, the snake is just a line of pixels, and the apple is just a single dot. The score is not shown durning play because the apple may render inside one of the letters in a rare cause. In addition, there is no lives, so the program just terminates displaying the score if you are game-over. If you want to play again, just restart the program. SnakeMin is one of the smallest true snake games ever released for the TI-83(+) calculators. With it's 420KB, you will be able to fit it in RAM, no matter what else you store in the calculator at the time. SnakeSma has the size of 532KB, and Snake Has the size of 644KB. There is only minor differences between the three variations: "Snake" contains the main engine, score, the ability to pause, and a nice icon for Kerm Martian's Doors CS 6.2. "SnakeSma" contains most of what "Snake" contains, but the icon is missing and some strings has been shortened. "SnakeMin" contains just the main engine. No score, no ability to pause, no icon, and it uses fixed borders. Controlls: Arrow keys = Move Enter (if possible) = Pause Variables and Constants: A = List pointer, Head (Variable) B = List pointer, Tail (Variable) C = Valid keystroke (Variable) D = Keystroke (Variable) E = Momentary score (Variable) F = Score per Apple (Constant)[Anything] G = X coordinate for Apple (Variable) H = Y coordinate for Apple (Variable) I = Next X of head (Variable) J = Next Y of head (Variable) K = Size before sheding skin (Constant)[2 to 999] L = Momentary pixels to expand (Variable) M = Pixels to expand per Apple (Constant)[Anything] N = Left border (Constant)[-47 to 47] O = Rigth border (Constant)[-47 to 47] P = Bottom border (Constant)[-31 to 31] Q = Top border (Constant)[-31 to 31]