Plasma v1.0 Plasma is an Ion compatable shell for the Ti-83+. For copyright info check copyright.txt. For FAQ and more documentation go to Usage: There are two different ways to run Plasma. 1) The way it was developed for. Strait from flash. To do this you need the program LOAD on your calculator along with PLASMA, program A is a basic program that runs LOAD. LOAD will either start PLASMA or return with no message. If this happens either you don't have enough Free ram to run Plasma, Plasma is in ram, or Plasma isn't on the calculator. I would suggest sending load.8xg (a.8xp, load.8xp) to your archive. Then ungrouping them on calc. Then send plasma.8xp to your archive memory. Or just send PLASMA.8xg to your calc. 2) Run Plasma from ram. Just send Plasma.8xp to your calculator and Asm(prgmPLASMA at the home screen. Controls: Up/Down - Move up/down one program (When you reach the bottom/top the descriptions scroll up/down to reveal the next program) Left/Right - Page Up/Down one page Alpha - Bring up info about the current program 2nd, Y=, Enter - Run current program Mode - Exit Plasma Features: New, more interesting, interface Programs run right from flash, no annoying garbage collect message Only uses 130 bytes of RAM Auto exit upon idling for a period of time Smaller than Mirage OS Auto exit on link activity Doesn't need to be installed Full source code available Comments, Questions, suggestions? Email the authors Joe Flint Brandon Engelberth Thanks to.... Joe W - For letting us use the Ion Library functions. The beta testers You for using this shell.