This patches OS 2.54MP (Nspire 84+SE keypad) only to apply the xLIB bug fix. Just run it with Asm(prgmPATCH254 on the homescreen and wait. Let me know if it fixes (or doesn't fix) your xLIB problems. You will have to re-apply it every time you re-insert the 84+SE keypad after having the Nspire keypad inserted (basically, any time you see the full OS loading progress bar). This is because the 84+SE ROM is actually a copy built from the Nspire filesytem and its copy of the OS in Flash ROM. This patch can only modify the RAM copy. When the OS is "loading", that's what's happening -- copying the 84+SE ROM to the Nspire RAM. It's completely untested, so please let me know if it works or doesn't work for you.