;+----------------------------------------+ ;| Doors CS v7.0 Include File | ;| TI-83+/TI-84+ Version | ;| Revised July 6, 2010 | ;| By Kerm Martian | ;| | ;| Please see http://dcs.cemetech.net for | ;| information and updates including a | ;| full Developers' SDK. | ;+----------------------------------------+ ;----> Safe Memory Areas ; saferam1 = 768 bytes (APDRAM) ; saferam2 = 531 bytes (statRAM) ; saferam3 = 128 bytes (textMem) ; saferam4 = 66 bytes (OpXs) ; saferam5 = 10 bytes (iMathPtrs) ; #DEFINE equ .equ ; #DEFINE EQU .equ ; #DEFINE end .end ; #DEFINE END .end ; #define bcall(xxxx) b_call(xxxx) ; #define bcallz(xxxx) b_callz(xxxx) ; #define bcallnz(xxxx) b_callnz(xxxx) ; #define bcallc(xxxx) b_callc(xxxx) ; #define bcallnc(xxxx) b_callnc(xxxx) ; #define bjump(xxxx) b_jump(xxxx) ; SEram =$86EC ; saferam1 =9872h ; saferam2 =8A3Ah ; saferam3 =8508h ; saferam4 =8478h ; saferamp =9872h ; saferamp2 =8251h ; #ifndef TASM ; #define PushGUIStack(xx,yyyy,zzzz) ld a,xx \ ld hl,yyyy \ ld de,zzzz \ call PushGUIStack ; #define PopGUIStack() call PopGUIStack ; #define PopGUIStacks(xx) ld b,xx \ call PopGUIStackS ; #define OpenGUIStack() call OpenGUIStack ; #define CloseGUIStack() call CloseGUIStack ; #define GUIMouse(xxxx) ld hl,xxxx \ call GUIMouse ; #define GUIRender() call RenderGUI ; #define RenderGUI() call RenderGUI ; #define FileSaveAs(location,filetypepointer,size) ld hl,location \ ld de,filetypepointer \ ld bc,size \ call FileSaveAs ; #define FileSave(location,filetypepointer,size) ld hl,location \ ld de,file \ ld bc,size \ call FileSave ; #define FileOpen() call FileOpen ; #define MouseRecover() call ResetAppPage ; #define Pause() call Pause ; #define GUIFindFirst() call GUIFindFirst ; #define GUIFindNext(xxxx,yyyy) ld hl,xxxx \ ld de,yyyy \ call GUIFindNext ; #define GUIFindNext() call GUIFindNext ; #define PushGUIStacks(xxxx) ld hl,xxxx \ call PushGUIStacks ; #define GUIFindThis(offset) ld b,offset \ call GUIFindThis ; #endif iversion = $4083 irandom = $4086 isprite = $4089 ilsprite = $408C igetpix = $408F ifastcopy = $4092 idetect = $4095 idecomp = $4098 ionversion = $4083 ionrandom = $4086 ionputsprite = $4089 ionlargesprite = $408C iongetpixel = $408F ionfastcopy = $4092 iondetect = $4095 iondecompress = $4098 iputsprite = $4089 ilargesprite = $408C igetpixel = $408F idecompress = $4098 ;=================================; ;====== MirageOS Subroutines =====; ;=================================; directin = $409B sendbytetios = $409E getbytetios = $40A1 version = $40A4 setvputs = $40A7 setpixel = $40AA fastcopys = $40AD delayb = $40B0 multhe = $40B3 multhl = $40B6 quittoshell = $40B9 fastline = $40BC pixelonhl = $40BF pixeloff = $40C2 pixelxor = $40C5 pixeltest = $40C8 pixeloffhl = $40CB pixelxorhl = $40DE pixeltesthl = $40D1 fastlineb = $40D4 fastlinew = $40D7 fastlinex = $40DA pointonc = $40DD pointoffc = $40E0 pointxorc = $40E3 centertext = $40E6 cphlbc = $40E9 putsprite8 = $40EC fastcopyb = $40EF vputsc = $40F2 scrolld7 = $40F5 vnewline = $40F8 rand127 = $40FB disprle = $40FE cphlde = $4101 screentopic = $4104 fastlined = $4107 disprlel = $410A getnextgoodprog = $410D getprevgoodprog = $4110 getnext = $4113 getprev = $4116 compstrs = $4119 nextstr = $411C getinfo = $411F fastrectangle = $4122 gettext = $4125 gettextv = $4128 FastRectangle_Save = $412B vputa = $412E runprog = $4131 isgoodprog = $4134 existfold = $4137 delprog = $413A filledrectangle = $413D nextfolder = $4140 delfolder = $4143 moveall = $4149 curfoldname = $4149 curfoldnamea = $414C createfolder = $414F compstrsn = $4152 folder_menu_start = $4155 options_screen = $4158 put_folder_name_top = $415B general_key_routine = $415E find_num_good_progs = $4161 put_scrollbar = $4164 invert_lines = $4167 invert_1_line = $416A right_align_value = $416D put_mirageos_header = $4170 put_size_graphic = $4173 sendprog = $4176 hideprog = $4179 arcprog = $417C filledrectangle_save = $417F getbytetiosw = $4182 vatswap = $4185 renameprog = $4188 renamefolder = $418B sysmain = $418E setupint = $4191 move_gui_prog = $4194 largespritehl = $4197 Update_Scrollbar = $419A Initial_Scrollbar = $419D sortallfolds = $41A0 dofoldsort = $41A3 getfoldsort = $41A6 setfoldsort = $41A9 Increase_Cur_Element = $41AC Decrease_Cur_Element = $41AF Increase_Max_Elements = $41B2 Decrease_Max_Elements = $41B5 Add_A_To_Cur_Element = $41B8 Sub_A_From_Cur_Element = $41BB Add_A_To_Max_Elements = $41BE Sub_A_From_Max_Elements = $41C1 Skip_Forward_B_From_Top = $41C4 Get_Curgoodprog_Ptr = $41C7 getchecksum = $41CA freearc = $41CD swapram = $41D0 hideall = $41D3 Small_Window = $41D6 ClrDialogFull = $41D9 LargeWindow = $41DC ClrWinFull = $41DF PlaySound = $41E2 VDispHL = $41E5 Pause = $41E8 hDetect = $41EB OpenGUIStack = $41EE CloseGUIStack = $41F1 PushGUIStack = $41F4 PopGUIStack = $41F7 RenderGUI = $41FA PopGUIStacks = $41FD GUIMouse = $4200 GUIFindFirst = $4203 GUIFindNext = $4206 ResetAppPage = $4000 Cn2_Setup = $4209 Cn2_Clear_SendBuf = $420C Cn2_Clear_RecBuf = $420F Cn2_Setdown = $4212 FileOpen = $4215 FileSave = $4218 FileSaveAs = $421B DispLongInt = $421E Cn2_GetK = $4221 DPutMap = $4224 APGui_gui7ToTop = $4227 PushGUIStacks = $422A GUIFindThis = $422D ;null =$00 ;LargeWin =$01 ;SmallWin =$02 ;FullScreenImg =$03 ;Text =$04 ;WinButtons =$05 ;WrappedText =$06 ;ButtonText =$07 ;ButtonImg =$08 ;TextLineIn =$09 ;Radio =$0A ;Checkbox =$0B ;ByteInt =$0C ;WordInt =$0D ;Hotspot =$0E ;TextMultiline =$0F ;Sprite =$10 ;LargeSprite =$11 ;PassIn =$12 ;ScrollVert =$13 ;ScrollHoriz =$14 ;Border =$15 ;Rect =$16 ;Custom =$17 ;MouseCursor =$18 GUIRnull =$00 ;COMPLETE XY [none] GUIRLargeWin =$01 ;COMPLETE -- [5 byte icon, header text] GUIRSmallWin =$02 ;COMPLETE XY [x,y, 5 byte icon, header text] GUIRFullScreenImg =$03 ;COMPLETE XY [768 bytes] GUIRText =$04 ;COMPLETE XY [x,y,font,z.t. text] GUIRWinButtons =$05 ;COMPLETE -- [which {-,[],X,00000}, onclick[-] {word}, onclick[] {word}, onclick[X] {word}] GUIRWrappedText =$06 ;COMPLETE XY [x,y,width,font,z.t. text] GUIRButtonText =$07 ;COMPLETE XY [x,y,onclick {word},zt text] GUIRButtonImg =$08 ;COMPLETE XY [x,y,onclick {word},img width [BYTES],button width [PX], img data (5 rows high)] GUIRTextLineIn =$09 ;COMPLETE XY [x,y,width,maxchar [word],curdatapos (0 to datalength) [word],data (z.t.)] GUIRRadio =$0A ;COMPLETE XY [x,y,group,state {bool},zttext] 1 per group GUIRCheckbox =$0B ;COMPLETE XY [x,y,group,state {bool},zttext] ++ per group GUIRByteInt =$0C ;COMPLETE XY [x,y,value,min,max] GUIRWordInt =$0D ;COMPLETE XY [x,y,value,min,max] GUIRHotspot =$0E ;COMPLETE XY [x,y,width,height,ptr] GUIRTextMultiline =$0F ;COMPLETE XY [x,y,rows,width,curdatapos (0 to datalength) [word],data] GUIRSprite =$10 ;COMPLETE XY [x,y,b,data] GUIRLargeSprite =$11 ;COMPLETE XY [x,y,a,b,data] GUIRPassIn =$12 ;COMPLETE XY [x,y,width,maxchar [word],curdatapos (0 to datalength) [word],data (z.t.)] GUIRScrollVert =$13 ;COMPLETE XY [x,y,height,ID,per,min [word],max [word],cur [word],onScrollUp,onScrollDown] GUIRScrollHoriz =$14 ;COMPLETE XY [x,y,width,ID,per,min [word],max [word],cur [word],onScrollUp,onScrollDown] GUIRBorder =$15 ;COMPLETE XY [x,y,width,height,color] GUIRRect =$16 ;COMPLETE XY [x,y,width,height,fill] GUIRCustom =$17 ;COMPLETE -- [ptr_to_routine] GUIRMouseCursor =$18 ;COMPLETE -- [xy,xy,8-byte mask,8-byte sprite] GUIRMouseClick =$19 ;other compatibility equates ; gbuf .equ plotsscreen ; progstart .equ $9d95-2 ; _deletemem .equ _delmem ;End of file ;end