Mimas 0.1 ========= Mimas is an integrated development enviroment for writing Z80 assembly programs on the Texas Instruments TI-83 Plus, TI-84 Plus, and TI-Nspire graphing calculators. Using Mimas, you can write, compile, and run programs in assembly language, entirely on the calculator; no PC or other tools are required. Installing Mimas ---------------- Mimas is a Flash application. You will need to have a link cable and appropriate software on your PC in order to install Mimas on your calculator. (See http://www.ticalc.org/basics/linking/ for more information about link cables.) Mimas itself (mimas.8xk) requires two app slots (32768 bytes) of archive memory. In addition, you may want to install some or all of the provided "header" files (see below). Using Mimas ----------- When you are writing an assembly program, it is stored on the calculator as an application variable (AppVar.) This is similar to an assembly source file (.asm or .z80) that you would write on a PC; when you want to run your program, you will first need to compile it (which produces a normal program file that you can run using 'Asm(' or your favorite shell.) Programs can be divided into sections, which are marked either as "code" or "data". The significance is that all code sections are assembled before all data sections (which is important for large programs.) By default, a single code section is created for you, called MAIN. A program may include a list of "libraries" - additional program files that will be combined with the main program when it is compiled. Only one copy of each library will be included, even if it is listed in multiple places. Program source files must be stored in RAM to be edited; if a file is archived and you try to modify it, it will be unarchived automatically. It is generally wise to keep your files archived when you're not working on them (and for large programs, you may need to archive the source files before compiling.) For more information about using Mimas, see the User's Manual. Library "Header" Files ---------------------- The following extra "header files" are included with this package (see the 'libs' directory.) These files define additional addresses and constants for you to use in your programs. (In order to use the definitions provided by any of these files, you must import it into your program using the "Libraries" menu in Mimas.) The following header files define library routines for shell programs: ion.8xv Library routines for (small) Ion programs mirage.8xv Library routines for MirageOS programs dcs7.8xv Library routines for DoorsCS7 programs The following header files define additional, less-commonly-used system routines (B_CALLs): display.8xv Display-related routines math.8xv Advanced math and FPS routines vars.8xv Memory/variable management routines graph.8xv Floating-point drawing and graphing routines hooks.8xv Routines for setting and using system hooks edit.8xv Routines for working with edit buffers gui.8xv System GUI utility routines mon.8xv Routines for controlling the system monitor flash.8xv Routines for manipulating Flash memory boot.8xv Cryptography and miscellaneous boot code routines boot84.8xv Miscellaneous boot code routines for the TI-84+ only os110.8xv New routines for OS 1.10 os113.8xv New routines for OS 1.13 os115.8xv New routines for OS 1.15 os221.8xv New routines for OS 2.21 os230.8xv New routines for OS 2.30 os240.8xv New routines for OS 2.40 extra.8xv Useless, duplicate, and non-callable routines Converting Mimas Files to Standard Assembly Format -------------------------------------------------- To convert a Mimas file into a .asm file that you can edit on the PC, you can use the program '8xvtoasm'. (A Windows version of this program is included in the 'tools' directory; for other systems, you can compile it by running 'make'.) This produces source code in the Mimas native format, similar to the way it's displayed on the calculator. If you're using any Mimas-specific features (such as anonymous labels or the JQ instruction) in your program, you will probably need to modify the code somewhat in order to assemble it with your PC-based assembler of choice. (If you're not using any Mimas-specific features, you can probably assemble the code as-is. But if you're using TASM or SPASM, note that you may need to add definitions such as "#define db .db" and "#define equ .equ". Also, remember that TASM and SPASM don't handle binary operator precedence, so be careful!) Converting Assembly Files to Mimas Format ----------------------------------------- To convert an existing .asm (or .inc) file into a Mimas file that you can edit on the calculator, you can use the program 'asmto8xv'. asmto8xv can understand most common source code formats, but for best results, you should specify the input format using the -f option. Note that this program doesn't support all the features of all the other assemblers - only the subset that can be readily translated into Mimas instructions. In particular, Mimas doesn't support macros (yet), so asmto8xv doesn't support them either. Source code lines that can't be understood will be included in the 8xv file as comments.