================================================ List of expressions with automatic optimizations ================================================ Use this as a guide to help you choose small and fast constants to use in different opperations. Expression______Bytes_________________ +VAR 5 +CONST 4 +1 1 +2 2 +3 3 +254 3 +255 2 +256 1 +257 2 +258 3 +510 4 +511 3 +512 2 +513 3 +514 4 +767 4 +768 3 +769 4 +1024 4 -VAR 7 -CONST 4 -1 1 -2 2 -3 3 -254 3 -255 2 -256 1 -257 2 -258 3 -510 4 -511 3 -512 2 -513 3 -514 4 -767 4 -768 3 -769 4 -1024 4 *VAR 7 + sub_mul *CONST 6 + sub_mul *-1 6 *2 1 *3 4 *4 2 *5 5 *6 5 *7 6 *8 3 *9 6 *10 6 *12 6 *16 4 *32 5 *64 5 *128 5 *255 6 *256 3 *257 3 *258 4 *260 5 *264 6 *512 4 *513 6 *514 4 *516 5 *520 6 *768 6 *1024 5 *1028 5 *1032 6 *2048 6 *2056 6 *4096 5 *8192 5 *16384 5 *32768 6 /VAR 7 + sub_div /CONST 6 + sub_div /2 4 /10 3 /128 5 /256 3 /512 5 /32768 5 //VAR 7 + sub_div + sub_Sdiv //CONST 6 + sub_div + sub_Sdiv //2 4 //64 6 //128 4 //256 5 //512 5 //16384 6 //32768 3 ^VAR 7 + sub_mod ^CONST 6 + sub_mod ^2 5 ^4 6 ^8 6 ^16 6 ^32 6 ^64 6 ^128 4 ^256 2 ^512 4 ^1024 4 ^2048 4 ^4096 4 ^8192 4 ^16384 4 ^32768 2 =VAR 12 =CONST 11 =SHORT 9 =NSHORT 9 =-512 9 =-256 8 =-1 8 =0 7 =1 7 =2 8 =256 8 =512 9 =/=VAR 12 =/=CONST 11 =/=SHORT 9 =/=NSHORT 9 =/=-512 9 =/=-256 8 =/=-2 8 =/=-1 7 =/=0 7 =/=1 8 =/=256 8 =/=512 9 <=>=VAR 16 >=>=CONST 15 >=>=0 4 eVAR 17 e0 5 e1 6 e2 7 e3 7 e4 7 e5 7 e6 7 e7 6 eeVAR 16 ee0 5 ee1 6 ee2 7 ee3 7 ee4 7 ee5 7 ee6 7 ee7 6 ee8 5 ee9 6 ee10 7 ee11 7 ee12 7 ee13 7 ee14 7 ee15 6 Subroutine______Bytes_________________ sub_mul 24 sub_div 26 sub_sdiv 38 sub_mod 24 SHORT is a number between 0 and 255 inclusive NSHORT is a number between -1 and -256 inclusive CONST is any number =/= is a "not equal sign" >= is a "greater than or equal sign" <= is a "less than or equal sign" [] indicates the 16-bit operation