This allows you to turn your TI-89 Titanium into an NT Offline Password and Registry Editor bootable USB flash drive (no, really). See for more information. Transfer Linky.89z (a program) and NTPasswd.89k (a Flash application) to your TI-89 Titanium using TI Connect, TiLP, (god help you) TI-GRAPH Link 89, or whatever other linking software you prefer. Since you're transferring nearly 2.5MB of data, I would recommend you use a direct USB cable if you have it. :) Connect a USB cable to your TI-89 Titanium, but leave the other end disconnected from the PC for the moment. Run Linky from the homescreen on the calculator by typing "linky()" and pressing [ENTER]. Select "Mass Storage" from the menu that comes up. Now enter the name of the Flash application containing the bootable image you want to use. That would be "NTPasswd" -- you can type it in manually (case-sensitive!) or you can press [2nd]+[VAR-LINK], [2nd]+[F7] and select it from the FlashApps menu to paste it into the text box. Then press [ENTER]. It will appear to hang here until the PC enumerates it. That's normal. Turn on your PC and plug in the USB cable. Go into your BIOS or select any one-time boot menu you have so that you can specify you want to boot off the attached USB flash drive (the calculator). It may show up as a "BrandonW USB Flash Drive." Your PC should now boot the NT Offline Password and Registry Editor image. See its URL for more information on how to use it. The SCSI drivers have been STRIPPED from this image, so if you need those, you're either out of luck or you can attempt to construct your own NTPasswd.89k file with the drivers you need by reading the howto.txt file. The latest source for everything involved here is at: -- This converts the BIN disk image to TI-89 Titanium Flash application format, to be read by Linky. -- This is the TI-89 Titanium program that emulates a USB flash drive and returns to the PC the sectors contained in your BIN image. See or e-mail me at for more information.