Block Dude, By Brandon Sterner. Block Dude was coded in z80 for 83 and 83+ (ION). Ported to the TI-73 by Michael Vincent. Whats up? When you first start block dude, you'll be greeted with a nice title screen and demo. You have four options: New, Password, Help, and Quit. New starts a new game from level 1. Password allows you to enter in a password and start from a later level. After you beat each level you will be awarded with the password, so you can start from there. Help displays a screen of text explaining how to play the game, should you ever forget. Quit does the obvoius, and returns to ion. How to play? Block Dude is a very challenging puzzle game. You are Block Dude, and you mission is to complete all eleven levels. To beat each level, there is a door that you must reach, once you reach the door, then you move onto the next level. However, there are obstacles in the way. There are bricks, non-movable, and blocks, movable. The idea is to move the blocks in a way that will let you get to the door. And to add further challenges, there are restrictions on block dude's movement. He can move left, right, and up. But he can only move up one space at a time. Controls: Left and Right - Move block dude accordingly Down - Picks up a block or puts it down. Up - climbs up a block. History: v 1.2- -Fixed a small bug which caused the About screen etc to mess up after running block dude v 1.1- -Changed 3 passwords because they had numbers and you can't enter in numbers -Changed the program names so they look right -Some people were complaining of a crashing bug, that should be fixed now v 1.0 - -Works -Doesn't have a history section