<=============================================================> GAMELIFE > First version > 256 bytes on calc program written by Zemmargorp released the 2020/07/19 on ticalc.org Description =========== GAMELIFE is an assembly implementation of the Game of Life, both lightweight and fast, for TI 83+/84+ CE calculators. It simply runs Conway's Game of Life in full screen. The initial configuration is generated randomly. How to use ========== Send "GAMEL1FE_1x" and "GAMELIFE_2x" to your calculator. Run "Asm(prgmGAMEL1FE" for the 1-pixel-wide cells version. Run "Asm(prgmGAMELIFE" for the 2-pixel-wide cells version. The screen will briefly turn grey during the board generation. The simulation will start shortly after. Press [CLEAR] to exit. Notes ===== This is a port of my optimized (178 bytes!) "Game of Life" implementation for TI 83+/84+ calculators, available here: https://www.ticalc.org/archives/files/fileinfo/474/47411.html The two CE versions wouldn't have been possible without the amazing work of the "CE Programming" team: their emulator has been an invaluable help in debugging, and I've reused their "graphx" library to set the LCD in a 8bpp palette mode. Further improvements are possible: it would probably be better to set the LCD in a 1bpp (monochrome) mode, and to adjust its refresh rate to fit the simulation speed, but I have no idea how to do that! If you do, feel free to send me an email. Acknowledgments =============== - John Horton Conway (RIP) for the Game of Life - the https://github.com/CE-Programming/ team for their awesome TI CE emulator, dev. toolchain and librairies! - Axe Parser for its random number generator routine - Sean McLaughlin for his very good z80 assembly tutorial "Learn TI-83 Plus Assembly In 28 Days" - and thank you for your interest in this program :) <=============================================================>