/* == Puzzle Frenzy TI-84+CE Edition == */ Instructions: Puzzle Frenzy is a port of the classic TI-83/84+ version included in the PuzzlePack app. This port is pretty much identical to the original, and is for those who do not own a non-color calculator. This is a challenging puzzle game where you must match up three or more of a kind using the white selector, and has two different modes, Puzzle and Endless. In Endless, the speed gradually gets faster the farther that you go. In Puzzle Mode, there are 60 intense levels that must be beaten in order to fully complete the game. Good Luck! Installation: Send PuzzleFrenzy.8xp to your calculator via a compatible linking program, such as TI Connect CE. To run, select the Asm( token from the catalog. Then press [PGRM] and select FRENZY. The screen should look like this: Asm(pgrmFRENZY Press [ENTER]. Enjoy! Controls: [2ND]/[ENTER] - Continue, Enter, Select, Etc... [ENTER] - Accept Menu Command [CLEAR] - Back/Quit [MODE] - Pause Game [DEL] - Exit App Credits: (C) May 2015 Matt Waltz "MateoConLechuga" MatthewWaltzIs@Gmail.com TI83/84+ Version idea and levels from Brandon Sterner, along with co-developers Jason Kovacs and Dan Englender And to everyone else who keeps TI-programming alive! Changelog: Version 1.2 CE Release Version 1.1 Fixed Dimming Issue Version 1.0 First Release Disclaimer: As this program is written in assembly, it directly interacts with the memory in your calculator. Because of this, it is possible the worst it could do is reset your RAM on very rare occasions. In addition, don't try to edit something if you don't know exactly what it will modify. Use this program at your own risk!